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lysis & interpretation:analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected


f mation and determining the conclusions, significance, and implications of the findings.

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The steps involved in data analysis are a function of the type of information collected,
however, returning to the purpose of the assessment and the assessment questions will
provide a structure for the organization of the data and a focus for the analysis.
The analysis of NUMERICAL (QUANTITATIVE) DATA is represented in
mathematical terms.
The analysis of NARRATIVE (QUALITATIVE) DATA is conducted by organizing
the data into common themes or categories. It is often more difficult to interpret
narrative data since it lacks the built-in structure found in numerical data. Initially, the
narrative data appears to be a collection of random, unconnected statements. The
assessment purpose and questions can help direct the focus of the data organization.
The following strategies may also be helpful when analyzing narrative data.
Focus groups and Interviews:
Read and organize the data from each question separately. This approach permits
focusing on one question at a time (e.g., experiences with tutoring services,
characteristics of tutor, student responsibility in the tutoring process).
Group the comments by themes, topics, or categories. This approach allows for
focusing on one area at a time (e.g., characteristics of tutor level of preparation,
knowledge of content area, availability).

Code content and characteristics of documents into various categories (e.g., training
manual policies and procedures, communication, responsibilities).


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