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Diversity in the Classroom

Nick Kingeter
Table of Contents
Slide 1- Title Page
Slide 2- Evolving Population
Slide 3- Cultural Influences
on Behavior
Slide 4- Teaching Strategies
Slide 5-Teaching Strategies
Our ability to reach unity
in diversity will be the
beauty and the test of our
- Mahatma Gandhi

Evolving Population
Moving from a Melting Pot
to a Salad Bowl
Students should be allowed to value their
culture and share it with the others in the
class. Allowing for a more inclusive

Majority soon to be Minority

The white population is projected to drop
to below 50% in 2050, in 2010 the
nonwhite population is 35% of the US.

Personal Experience

I have worked in an ESL classroom as well

as tutored in St. James, MN. In St. James
the Hispanic population is over 60% of the
school district. My current school (35
students) has more Native American
descent than any other nonwhite
population. However, the hispanic
population is expanding rapidly across our
district much like the rest of the Wisconsin

Cultural Influences on Behavior

Collectivism vs. Individualism
Traditional education does a great job of meeting the
needs of the individual. However, in some cultures the
collective group (tribe, community, club) is valued more
than the individual. As educators we need to make sure
to address the classroom community to ensure we are
fostering team-building and positive interactions
through group experiences not just individual
ME vs. WE, MY vs. OUR

Personal Experiences
At my current position we have CCC days which stand for Collaborative,
Creative, Community. During this day we will do team-building exercises and
students will each have different roles within the group (assigned or decided
by student). Our students really struggle with this because of their
background. They are programed to be self-interested, so students will begin
to have negative interactions that take away from the group because they
want their ideas to be put into action not anyone elses. This turns into a
compromise instead of a collective agreed upon action. We include

Teaching Strategies

a. Maintain High Expectations
i. Just because students are poor or come
from harsher environments we need to
maintain expectations that reflect high
ii. Fair and culturally sensitive rules; model
knowledge and respect of all cultures
b.Positive Parent-School Relationships
i. Balance communication with positive
behavior student is showing; not just
negative behavior
1. For every negative behavior

communication have a follow-up with

positive communication regarding the

Teaching Strategies
1. Multicultural Approach
a.Share Differences
i. Celebrate diversity within classroom
environment through class speakers,
sports, music, food, holidays, and flags

This video represents some

struggles that districts are
going through now across
the US dealing with different

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