Project IN Political Science

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The CONSTITUTION OF THE REUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES , retified on February 2,1987, is the
fourth fundamental law to govern the Philippines since it became independent on July 4, 1946. First, the
1985 constitution, which became fully operational after the inaguration of the Third Philippine Republic.
Second the 1973 Constitution, which was promulgated during Martial law in 1981. Third, the 1986
provisional "FREEDOM Constitution, which was promulgated on March 25 by President Corazon C.
Aquino after the successful power revolution in 1986.

The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
Provides that "
(1) All educational institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as part of the curricula
."As the basic and fundamental law of the land, the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines is the
sole instrument that affects the very core of Filipino nationhood, for
sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them
. In this light, it is imperative that every Filipino, regardless of status and profession, should learn the
foundation and operation of his government in order to guarantee a successful Philippine Republic.
1897 Constitution of Biak- na - Bato
, or
Constituciong Halal sa Biak-na-Bato
,promulgated by the Philippine Revolutionary Government on November 1, 1897, isthe provisionary
Constitution of the Philippine Republic during the Revolution against Spain. It provides that the Supreme
Council, vested with the supreme power of government, shall conduct foreign relations, war, the interior,
and the treasury .The
1899 Political Constitution of the Republic
, known as the
Malolos constitution
, was approved by President Emilio Aguinaldo on January 21, 1899 andserved as the Constitution of the
First Philippine Republic. It provides for aparliamentary form of government, but the President, and not a

Prime Minister, actsas the head of government. Legislative power is exercised by the Assembly
of Representatives of the Nation, and judicial power is lodge in a Supreme Court The
1935 Constitution of the Philippines
, ratified on May 17, 1935, establishes the Commonwealth of the Philippines, defining its powers,
composition and organization as it function as the Government of the Philippine Islands. It is based on the
principle of separation of powers among the three branches of government. Executive power is vested in
the President and shall serve for a single-six year term .Legislative power is vested in a unicameral
National Assembly, and judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court. It also provides that upon
proclamation of Philippine Independence, the Commonwealth of the Philippines shall be known as the
Republic of the Philippines .The
1939 Amendment
-- The amendments liberalized all laws and made few changes on the economic provisions of the TydingsMcduffie Law .The
1940 Amendments
-- The amendments, by virtue of Resolution No. 73, provide for the establishment of a bicameral
Congress, composed of a Senate and a House f Representatives, and limits the term of office of the
President to four years, butmay continue to serve for a maximum of eight years. The amendment also
providesfor the creation of a Commission on Elections .The
1947 Amendment
-- known as the Parity Amendment, gave Americans equalrights with Filipinos in the exploitation of
Philippine Natural resources.


The 1943 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines

, or the Constitution of the Second Philippine Republic, was ratified by the general assembly of the
KALIBAPI .It is based on the system of separation of powers among the executive ,legislative, and the
judiciary. It served as a temporary constitution, for it stipulated that one year after the end of the World War
II, it shall be replaced by a new constitution.
The 1973 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
, or Ang Saligang Batasng Pilipinas
, ratified by the Citizens Assemblies on January 17, 1973, provides for a shift from a presidential form of
government to a parliamentary system. The President serves as a symbolic head of State, executive
power is exercised by the Prime Minister with the assistance of the Cabinet, and legislative power is
vested ina unicameral National Assembly. In 1976, the National Assembly was replaced by the Batasang
Pambansa, by virtue of PD 1033 issued by President Ferdinand Marcos.

The 1973 Constitution as amended
(amended in 1981 and 1984) provides for a semi-parliamentary form of government, where the President,
no longer acts as a symbolic head, but acts as the head of state and the chief executive. The Office of the
President has been restored to its original status under the 1935 Constitution .Legislative power is vested
in a unicameral Batasang Pambansa. The Prime Minister, who is subordinated to the President, acts
as the Head of the Cabinet .The

1986 Provisional Constitution

, popularly known as the Freedom Constitution ,promulgated by President Corazon C. Aquino on March
25, 1986, was a provisional constitution after a successful People Power Revolution. Under the Freedom
Constitution, executive and legislative powers are exercised by the President, and shall continue to
exercise legislative powers until a legislature is elected and convened under a new Constitution.
Furthermore, the President is mandated to convene a Constitutional Commission tasked to draft a new

Submitted to: Sir. Alegado

Submitted by: Mariola Brilleta

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