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A) Complete the questions with a preposition (about / at / for / to)

What are you looking ________?

What are you waiting________?

What are they pointing ________?

What did they know ________?

What are they laughing ________?

What was she reading ________?

What are you talking ________?

What are you listening ________?

B) Write questions. Remember to include the prepositions in the correct place.

1) _____________________________________________________________________________
I am looking at this wonderful painting.
2) _____________________________________________________________________________
They are waiting for their presents.
3) _____________________________________________________________________________
Ive read about the First World War.
4) _____________________________________________________________________________
She is pointing at you.
5) _____________________________________________________________________________
I know about the big party.
6) _____________________________________________________________________________
I am listening to music.
7) _____________________________________________________________________________
We talked about the movie we watched last weekend.
8) _____________________________________________________________________________
Im laughing at his hair.
9) _____________________________________________________________________________
Shes written about politics.

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