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Edgard Alvarado
Mr. Gango-P.6
October 2, 2015
Obesity in the United States
Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States. According to the Center for
Disease Control and Prevention, about one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are
obese. (Adult) Obesity is affecting the United States in a negative manner by hurting those who
are obese physically, mentally and economically. This is a problem that is growing and one that
the United States must prevent at all cost. It will benefit the United States significantly if the
problem is handled as fast and as safely as possible.
Obesity is usually defined as excessive adipose tissue or body fat. Excessive body fat can
be harmful to the human body. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
obesity is a serious concern because it is associated with poor mental problems, reduce quality
of ones life, and is the leading cause of death in the United States. (Adult). Obesity puts
individuals at risk for more than 30 chronic health conditions. These include high cholesterol,
gallstones, type 2 diabetes, hypertensions, heart failure, birth defects, cancer and many more
conditions. These symptoms shorten peoples lives. It hurts the body physically and can be
People probably dont know much about obesity and its dangers because they are
probably not informed about all the harmful things it may cause. Obesitys symptoms may also
not be well known because people treat it like its nothing but that is absolutely wrong. The
danger obesity puts on the individual is very harmful and if they dont take care of themselves
they can potentially die. That is something no one wants to witness. More than 30,000 lives are
being lost each year because of weight-related diseases, warned Health Secretary John Reid.

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(Breezy) Obesity can kill and if it does not stop more and more lives will be lost. This is not want
the United States wants. It is a huge problem that must be stopped at all cost.
Obesity is on the rise in both adults and children. Since the 1980s adult obesity rates
have doubled from 15 percent to 30 percent. (Obesity) Also the obesity rate for children have
tripled since then. This rise in adult and child obesity keeps on growing and show no signs of
stopping. Obesity makes a simple task harder than it really is. This effects people who are obese
physically. For example, a task that may not be so hard as walking your dog or playing with your
child can possibly be very hard on these people. It can make living life very difficult and
unenjoyable. Not pacing yourself while doing these task or pushing yourself too much can lead
to a heart attack or other life threatening conditions. Obesity does not let people enjoy life. There
is hope and it starts with us realizing there is a problem.
Obesity also hurts people economically and the U.S. financially. According to School of
Public Health Treating obesity and obesity-related conditions costs billions of dollars a year. By
one estimate, the U.S. spent $190 billion on obesity-related health care expense in 2005-double
previous amounts (Thompson). The more people consume fast food, the more the economy
grows as a whole. However, it also harms many individuals. Eating too much junk food like
McDonalds is bad for the human body. This is because people dont get enough nutrition from
eating at fast food places. It is a lot cheaper to buy junk food such as McDonalds than it is to buy
healthy food. This is a problem the U.S. faces today and a growing problem. Also, how much
work you put into your job is affected by obesity. According to School of Public Health days
missed from work are a cost of both employees (in lost wages) and employers (in work not
completed). Obese employees miss more days from work due to short term absence And
premature death than no obese employees (Wayne). Obesity is a problem that hurts everyone
even if you are not obese.

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Obesity can hurt people not only physically but mentally as well. psychological
disorders which obesity may trigger include depression, eating disorders, distorted body image,
and low self-esteem (Collingwood). These are all things that come with obesity. If one doesnt
have self-confidence, how does she or he plan to do their best when they keep putting themselves
down? People with obesity would quit before even attempting a task because they believe they
arent fit enough or good enough to that task. They also might not want to be embarrassed
because they could not do this task. They dont want to be judged. Nobody wants that, but its
worse for those who already dont feel good about themselves. Brilliant minds who are obsess
wont go after the impossible because he or she is put down or doesnt feel as if it is possible for
them to do such great things. Look at most heroes today, heroes are not obese, they have great
bodies and that can also tie in with how a person who is obese might feel. They will think that
you will need a good body and be healthy to do the impossible. Look at snow white and other
Disney characters they all have slim bodies and are fit. This can put them down. They will be in
their own way to success. The United States can afford to have people thinking this way because
it can hurt them mentally and can make the United States not as great as it could be.
Binge eating is a disorder in which people overeat. It is a medical condition that was
formally recognized in 2013. According to Binge Eating Disorder B.E.D. affects an estimated
2.8 million adults, according to a national survey (Collinwood). This disorder is an effect of
obesity and can break you down mentally. Another symptom of obesity is depression. It will
break one down and may have people thinking of suicide. This is a problem that must stop in the
United States. According to Everyday Health studies have shown that obese people are about 25
percent more likely to experience a mood disorder like depression compared with those who are
not obese (Thompson). This means that if one is obese, they have a higher chance to start
thinking of suicide which is something no one wants. Not only does this affect adult but children

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are also affected. In the United States, conservative estimates indicate that, after puberty, 5-10
million girls and women and 1 million boys and men are struggling with eating disorders
including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or borderline conditions. (Bullying) Even
kids are struggling with these conditions. Most kids wont speak up about what they are going
through and when adults finally find out about the problem the damage has already occurred.
Obesity not only hurts people physically but mentally as well.
Obesity in the United States is a problem growing and hurts people physically,
economically and mentally. Obesity shortens peoples life span. It does not allow people to live
their life to the fullest. It crushes dreams and puts down brilliant people who may be obese. It is a
problem that has grown throughout the years. Not only affecting adults but our children as well.
Obesity is one of the worst problems in the United States and must be stopped at all cost.

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Work Cited
"Adult Obesity Facts." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 16 June 2015. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.
Breezy, Marsh. "Obesity Kills over 30,000 a Year." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, N.D.
Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
"Bullying and Childhood Obesity Statistics." Bullying and Childhood Obesity Statistics. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016

Collingwood, Jane. "Obesity and Mental Health." Psych Central. N.P. 5 Oct. 2015. Web. 6 Oct.
Obesity." Information. 2015. NP Web. 6 Oct. 2015.
Thompson, Denis. "Depression and Obesity." N.P. Web. 6 Oct. 2015.
Wayne, Shire. "What Is Binge Eating Disorder?" Binge Eating Disorder. N.P. 1 July 15. Web. 6

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