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Monday September 14 2015

Ms.Leila Jamnik
4th grade,Dual Language
Brandenburg Elementary School
2800 Hillcrest Dr.
Irving,TX 75062
Dear Ms.Leila Jamnik
I am very excited about this new school year as a returning student teacher to the senior
Practicum. intern. I know my experience last year in Ms.Guajardos dual language kindergarten
at T.J. Lee.The days I went to the class I helped with the english station and the beginning of
science.The English and science class has prepared me for teaching and leading students. I
was fortunate enough to shadow Ms.Guajardo and got to know her precious class of
kindergarten class.
This year, I plan to take on a bigger role in the classroom. I look forward to the opportunity to
lead activities teach new ideas, and collaborate with master teachers such as yourself.I know
there is much to learn, so I pledge to be there everyday.I know that you and your students count
on me.
I have really enjoyed my high school career so far,cheer at my competition,dancing at the end of
the year showcase.And of course my Ready Set Teach internship has been such a big part of
my high school life.This opportunity has opened my eyes to the Education industry and all that
is involved in the teaching profession.
I will be graduating spring of 2016 and planning on attending North Lake for 2 years while
subbing, then after 2 years I will be Tarleton University.I want to major in Education & Training
and become a teacher like you. Id love to return to Irving some day and give back to the
community and the school district that has given so much to me.
Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to shadow you this school year. I look forward
to learning from you.
Mackenzie Leigh Davis
Ready Set Teach Intern
MacArthur High School

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