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Part 1

Rube Goldberg Engineering Challenge

One engineering objective is to help people via technological advances. Many of these
greater advances in technology can be seen in machines invented by engineers. Rube
Goldberg went to school to be an engineer, and after graduating, he decided to become an
artist. He drew cartoons of inventions that did simple things in very complicated ways. His
inventions involved many complex systems of simple machines, all organized in logical
sequences, to accomplish simple tasks.
Engineers follow the steps of the engineering design process to ensure that designs meet
specified requirements and constraints. Even after a successful test of a design, engineers
go back through the process to determine how to make the design work even better. An
important skill for engineers is to evaluate the design of machines and test them repeatedly
in a trial-and-error fashion for their genuine usefulness for their audiences.

You will act as mechanical engineers to design and create a machine that combines
multiple simple machines and functions to ultimately accomplish a goal. Working as a team,
you will use a set of provided materials to create a machine that utilizes all of the six
simple machines. Your group will choose which goal you want to complete:
1. Drop a stuff animal into a bin
2. Put out a lit candle
3. Pop a balloon with a nail.


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