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Student-Teacher(s): Khadija Moahmmed Al Shal Al Teneiji

Date: 13th March 2016

Course: EPC 1903

Grade level: KG2

Subject: Mathematics
Strand: Space and Geometry
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): K2SGD1, Manipulate, identify and sort
2D and 3d objects

Time: 15mins Time:10

mins Whole

Popsicle sticks
Flash cards
Physical 2D and 3D shapes
2 baskets
Black papers

Teacher will organize the resources by
preparing the amount of play-doh, black
papers, and popsicle sticks that will be used fo
each group.
Key vocabulary
3D, 2D, shapes, circle, triangle,
square,rectangle, star, and heart

Opening (warmer activity and/or teacher introduction and/or demonstration)

Teacher will introduce the concept by playing a video song about shapes as a starter

Teacher will explain the differences between 2D and 3D shapes by showing the student
flash cards that contain pictures of 2D, and physical 3D shapes.

Guided Experience (group working with teacher)

Teacher will place 2 baskets infront of the whole classroom. The first basket contains 2D
shapes whereas, the second basket contains shapes. Teacher will place in front of the
students flash cards that show pictures of 2D shapes and the physical 3D shapes, and
students are suppose to identify which shape goes in to which basket. Teacher will
divide the students into groups of 2, the first group will be working on the 2D shapes
activity and the second group will work on the 3D shapes activity.Teacher will show the
students a demo to guide them on how to proceed with the activity first in order to give
them a clue about what they are suppose to do.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Students will be given play-doh and popsicle sticks. They are suppose to create 2
different 2D shapes by drawing shapes on the play- doh s using sticks. Once they are
done they will call the teacher to check their work (a sample will be placed infront of th
students, so that if they face any difficulties they may refer to the teacher).

Time: 10mins Whole

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Students will be given popsicle sticks and play-doh in order to create 3D shapes with it,
for example: students are suppose to create a 3D triangle shape. They will bring the
popsicle sticks and put them as a triangle shape, and from the edges students will cut
out a small amount of play-doh to ensure that the sticks are sticked properly. Students
will repeat the same steps but from the other side of the shape in order to form a 3D
triangle shape. (a sample will be placed infront of the students, so that if they face any
difficulties they may refer to the teacher).

Closing (including open-ended questions)

Teacher will ask the students to remind her of what are 2D shapes and 3D shapes.
Teacher will play a game with the students about 2D and 3D shapes. Teacher will ask th
students questions such as: (I have 1 face and I am flat like a picture, who am I?
students will answer 2D). (I have more than 1 face and I look real, who am I? students
will answer 3D). Students who answer correctly teacher will reward them by giving them
Teacher will tell the students to ask the person sitting next to them did he/she create a

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