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Name ____Emmy Hiller______________ Date _4/18/16_______ Period __4__ A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
1. What job are you applying for? Marketing Manager____________________
2. Why do you think you want this particular kind of job?
1. Helping in the department of selling and how to sell products fascinates me. _
2. Creating product design allows me to think creatively and freely.
3. Figuring out how much something should cost opposed to demand challenges my
4. Coming up with ways to promote or advertise the product lets me socialize with
others around me.
3. What talents or special skills do you have relevant to this job?
1. Being on a dance team helped me learn how to communicate well with others.
2. Creating a yearbook taught me how to do something very fast and easy.__ __
3. Attending multiple choir events taught me to listen to others and understand them.
4. Having many siblings encouraged me to understand how and why people react the
way they do.
4. What kind of working experience do you have?
1. By babysitting others children and taking care of them while the parent/s are away.
2. Creating posters and helping advertise yearbook helped me with marketing a
3. As the result of yard work I know how to work hard when needed.
5. What are your future plans and goals?
1. Get a good education _____________________________________________
2. Get a job in the field I aspire to h____________________________________
3. Get married and have kids ________ ________________________________
6. What extra curricular activities do you participate in?
1. Dance _________________________________________________________
2. Choir__________________________________________________________
3. Yearbook ______________________________________________________
7. What hours are you willing to work and when are you not available?
1. All the hours I can get ____________________________________________
2. Through the hours 7:00 A.M to 6:30 P.M _____________________________
8. Do you prefer working with other people or by yourself and why?
I like working alone more because I can focus more on my tasks and not be distracted,
but if put in a certain situation I would work with others.______ _______________ __
9. What are your strongest work values?

Name ____Emmy Hiller______________ Date _4/18/16_______ Period __4__ A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
1. Communicating with others._______________________ ________________
2. Focusing on my task.____________ _____________________________ ___
3. Not being lazy on my work and giving it my all ______________________ _
10. Are you willing to relocate with our company if necessary? Why?
Yes because if I am really needed somewhere else than that is where I will be. If this
will help me achieve the goals I have set for my future self then, if necessary for growth,
then I would relocate.
11. How much money do you expect to begin earning with this job?
Around minimum wage ____________________________________________
What are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
1. When in doubt I can be a strong leader. ______________________________
2. Others can depend on me to finish or do what they ask.
3. Adapting to new environments is easy for me if needed. __
13. What are your weaknesses?
1. Trying to think positively when Im nervous.___________________________
2. Being organized in and out of school. ____
3. I am a very social person so I talk a lot._____
14. What do you not like doing with this kind of work?
1. Knowing what the customers will think of the product itself._______________
2. Having to be put with others that I may disagree with a lot, especially on ideas.
3. Deciding what design will be better for the company. ______________
15. What questions would you like to ask me about this job?
1. What relationships do I need to maintain with coworkers? ___
2. Will I get time off to spend with family? __________ ___________________
3. Which days of the year is the busiest? ________________________________
16. If you were stranded on a desert island by yourself what three things would you want
to have with you and why?
1. Water purifier. _______________________
2. Defense Mechanism ___________________
3. Communication Device ___________________________________________

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