Stats 3

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Part 3: Graphical Displays & Numerical Summaries

The candy color would be categorical because it doesnt contain any
numbers and the data cannot be measured. The number of candies in the
bag would be considered quantitative because it deals with numbers and
you are able to count them.

Column n Mean
Std. Dev. Min Q1 Median Q3 Max
IQR Mode
28 59.642857 1.7472579 56 58 60
61 64

Lower Fence: 58-1.5(3)= 53.5
Upper Fence: 61+1.5(3)= 65.5

There are no Outliers. My bag of Skittles had a total of 58 candies, which is
within the lower and upper fences so it would not be considered an outlier.

For the candy color, because you cannot count the color in numbers or its
data is not appropriate to discuss the shape of distribution because it is
categorical. On the other hand, when you use a Pareto chart, the bars are
in descending order so all graphs with this particular chart will show bars
that go from high to low. For quantitative data, you will want to discuss the
shape of distribution to determine if the data is normal or not normal. In
this case, the data is not normal because we do not have a bell shaped

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