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All About Africa

by Jannah

Table of Contents
Page 1: Land
Page 2: Weather
Page 3: Food
Page 4: Celebrations
Page 5: Fun Facts
Page 6: My Opinion

Page 1: Land
Africa has many different types of land.
The Rainforest grows along the equator. The rainforest is wet
all of the time.
There are many Savannas and deserts in North and South
Africa. There a big desert called the Sahara. West Africa has
both deserts and rainforests.
Africa has the longest river in the world the called the Nile.

Page:2 Weather
In most of Africa the climate is always hot but may be hot and
dry or hot and wet. In deserts like the Sahara it hardly ever
rains. It is dry. Large areas of Africa are covered by Savannas
it is Sunny most of the time with Summer rainstorms. In the
rainforest it is the most wet by equator.

Page 3: Food
In Africa they have African kiwano fruit.
In North Africa many family meals are made in a Clay pot
called a tagine pot. They make stew in it.
In West Africa you can find a lot of dishes made with peanuts.
In Central Africa they mostly eat yam, squash, sweet potatoes
and honey. They also make a special dish is made with dried

Page:4 Celebrations
In Africa many people celebrate Kwanzaa. This is a way to
celebrate African American heritage community, family,
justice and nature. It is a celebration of unity and ancestry.
Many people celebrate with festivals.
In Africa Panafest is a biennial festival of African dance, music
and other performing arts that is held every two years in

Page 5: Fun Facts

Africa produces almost half of the world diamonds.
In Africa camels are sometime called ships of the desert.
In the 1800s, people who explored Africa were treated the
way movie stars are today.
In 2005 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became president of Liberia.
She was the first elected woman head of state in Africa.

Page 6: My Opinion
What I like about Africa is that they have many different types
of weather. I think Africa is the best continent in the world. I
think Africa has lots of yummy food. What I like about Africa is
that Africa have lot of animals. I am not sure if I would like to
go to Africa one day, I think I would be scared.

All About the Author

My name is Jannah. I live with my mom and brother. I was
Born in 2006. I love going to school and love reading books.
My birthday is in August 26, 2006. I live in Queens. My mom
goes to college and works. Adam is my brother and I am the
big sister. I go to CCGS in Manhattan. In school I like to do
math. I love going on field trips with my friends. My favorite
things to do are art, reading books and going on field trips. I
like going to the movies. I like watching the Peanuts Movie
and I like going to the park to play with my brother. My
favorite author is Mo Williems. My favorite writing is All
About Books. I want to be an Artist when I grow up. I alway
have fun at school. Love, Jannah

Equator: an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.
Climate: the typical Weather in an area.
Sahara Desert: the worlds largest hot desert.

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