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Castleton Public Library, Board of Trustees

March 2016 Minutes

Monday, March 21, 2016
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix
at 7:05 p.m,
Roll Call: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Doreen Truesdell,
Secretary(Absent); Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Sarah Niemitalo, Trustee(Absent); Maria
Marcucci, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director, Ryan Mullahy, Vice President; Janet
Hiser, Trustee.
Adoption of Agenda
There were no changes to the proposed meeting agenda. Treasurer Hans motioned to
adopt. Trustee Aitken seconded. Approved 6-0.
Public Comment
Presidents Report
President Karis-Nix wished Trustee Hiser farewell, and thanked her for her many years of
service and dedication. She did not get a change to meet with Mayor Keegan. She will
reach out to the newly elected Mayor.
Secretarys Report
Review of minutes from February 16, 2016 was completed. Treasurer Hans motioned to
adopt minutes. Trustee Hiser seconded
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Hans presented the monthly Check Detail, Profit & Loss,
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, and Reconciliation Detail statements for
January 2016. Trustee Hiser motioned to approve the Check Detail report. Trustee Mullahy
seconded. Approved 6-0.
Directors Report
Director Tacke presented a report of patron usage, programs, outreach, news and
upcoming programs through February 2016.
Friends Report
Barbara Kelp from the Friends reported the Friends will have their annual meeting in May.
They are actively looking for more members. They have the Applebees fundraiser coming
Committee Reports
Administrative Committee- (Trustee Niemitalo, Vice President Mullahy and Library Director
Tacke) No report.

Funding Committee(Treasurer Hans and Secretary Truesdell) The committee sought

advice from Tim Burke at Upper Hudson Library System. He provided many items to
Operations/Capital Projects Committee (President Karis-Nix, Trustee Marcucci, and
Secretary Truesdell) Trustee Marcucci reports she has been actively seeking information for
the movie series the board would like to put on. She has been in touch with some mobile
movie vendors and the state park. Trustees gave feedback that we would expect 25-50
people at the most and requested Trustee Marcucci get quotes for weekdays and
weekends. Also some questions surrounding the parks availability were brought up. Trustee
Marcucci will continue to contact the park and vendors.
Policy Committee: (Vice President Mullahy, Treasurer Hans, Trustee Aitken) The committee
will meet after this meeting to approve a whistleblower policy from UHLS. They will then
move on to researching a disaster plan policy.
Old Business .
Periodic Audits No updates. The board will continue with the normal financial review for
the 2015 annual review. If we are able to find an audit firm, we can implement for the 2016
fiscal year.
The librarys word-of-mouth marketing for the coming month is to tell three people about the
April 25-29 programs. This is a week school is out.
New Business
Trustee program attendance: Everyone committed to attending one or two programs.
Treasurer Hans made a motion to modify the circulation policy for new release DVDs to
restrict new release DVD requests to Village of Castleton and Town of Schodack residents
only. This only applies to electronic requests. Anyone who comes into the library can
continue to check out DVDs. Trustee Hiser seconded. All in favor. 6-0.
Trustee Hiser made a motion to modify the fine policy for museum passes to be a $5 fee
applied if a museum pass is returned to another library. A sticker will be affixed to all
museum passes that states this policy. The $5.00 fee would be in addition to any overdue
fines for the museum pass; overdue fines for museum passes will remain at their current
rate of 1.00/day. Treasurer Hans seconded. All in favor. 6-0
President Karis-Nix made a motion to modify the fine policy for DVDs to reduce the late fee
from $1.00 per day to $0.25 per day. Seconded by Trustee Aitken. All in favor. 6-0. The
budget line for fines will be monitored and if a reduction in revenue is noticed, the board will
review expense lines to offset the loss of income.

Public Comment
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m.

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