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Medford 1

Annotated Bibliography

Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in College Students

Taylor Medford
Professor Malcolm Campbell
English 1103
February 17, 2016

Medford 2

Annotated Bibliography
Grohol, John M. "Anxiety.", 23 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Mar.
This source covers a lot about anxiety and different anxiety disorders that people can
have. The very first paragraph that anxiety is a normal and necessary part of being
human, but once anxiety becomes excessive and starts to interfere with someones daily
life, they may have developed an anxiety disorder that requires treatment. This
introduction on anxiety is very short and talks about anxiety and symptoms of possible
disorders, however, underneath it has subtitles for different anxiety disorders such as:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, and other Specific Phobias.
All of these topics have a large amount of information for each and states how they differ
from regular anxiety. This author is very reliable because he has his Doctorate in
Psychology which shows me that he knows what he is talking about. It is a very high
quality academic source, written to provide short and simple yet very knowledgeable
information on anxiety and anxiety disorders. This source is different from my other
sources because it talks more about the facts of individual anxiety disorders. It is more of
an educational and informational way of looking at anxiety disorders, as opposed to being
about people with personal connections to anxiety. This source is very useful to me and
will appear in my final Inquiry Project because of the information it provides me on the
individual disorders. Using the information it gives and what I learn about students with
anxiety in college, I will be able to make connections and my final project will come
together more smoothly.

Medford 3

Hoffman, Jan. "Anxious Students Strain College Mental Health Centers." Well Anxious Students
Strain College Mental Health Centers Comments. The New York Times, 27 May 2015.
Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This source is an article in the ever-so-famous newspaper, The New York Times. The
points in this article address how so many students and many different college campus
need help and treatment for anxiety, and how anxiety has become a normal thing to suffer
from as a student. The author provides different personal stories from a few individuals to
illustrate the struggle of anxiety and the importance of getting the right treatment. While
the article talks a lot about how college counseling centers might struggle to treat all of
their students who need it, it also goes into a lot of detail about the impact that anxiety
has on students. Along with the stress of school, this article states that students worry and
are unable to calm themselves down, and that causes their anxiety to worsen. This author
that wrote this is very reliable, as would be any other author who wrote for The New York
Times. She writes objectively about the topic, and simply states the facts and research that
she has learned about the topic. She also quotes many different reliable people, which
makes the quality of this article even greater. The intended audience for this are people
who are interested in learning more about anxiety among college campus, and the readers
of this newspaper in general. This source is different from my other sources because not
only does it talk about anxiety and the struggles that come with it on college campuses,
but it also gives real life examples from actual students who struggle with it. I will be
using this source in my final project because of its usefulness to me, and the insight it
gives me on the importance of treating anxiety and the different impacts it has on people.

Medford 4

Laskey, Chastity. "Anxiety on the Rise among College Students." Arizona Daily Wildcat. The
Daily Wildcat, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
This source is from a college newsletter in Arizona regarding the rise of anxiety among
students on college campuses. The author goes into detail about the resources that the
campus has in order to help students that are dealing with anxiety and other mental health
disorders. Chastity quotes The Chronical of Higher Education in saying that 58 percent
of college campuses have seen a rise in anxiety disorders. One point of view on why
students are developing serious anxiety is because they are becoming extremely busy and
there is a constant pressure for them to perform well in and out of their schooling. The
majority of the article, however, discusses the counseling center that is on that particular
college campus, and the resources that students have to help them deal with their mental
health. The author of this article is obviously a student at this school and they are overall
objective about their topic. It is more of an information centered article as opposed to an
opinionated article. I would not suggest that this article is very high quality because the
research about actual anxiety and other mental health disorders is very minimal. The title
of the article is misleading because I thought it was going to be about how anxiety was on
the rise, but it was more about the schools counseling center. The other sources in my
annotated bibliography focus more on anxiety disorders themselves and why college
students develop them. This source will not appear in my inquiry project because it does
not provide me with the specific information I am looking for. It does give me an
example of how other college campuses treat their students who have mental health
disorders, but it still does not provide enough information for me to use in my final

Medford 5

Prevatt, F, V Dehili, N Taylor, and D Marshall. "Anxiety in College Students with Adhd:
Relationship to Cognitive Functioning." Journal of Attention Disorders. 19.3 (2015): 22230. Web.
This source talks about a study that was done to see if college students with ADHD suffer
from more anxiety than the average college student. In the study, they found a relation in
which students that have ADHD experience more anxiety when it comes to a situation
like taking a test, but in general, these students do not have an overall higher anxiety level
because of their ADHD. However, the beginning paragraph does state that children who
have ADHD do suffer from higher levels of anxiety. The author argues that college
students with ADHD may be at risk for anxiety from situations in their new college
lifestyle because they have a stronger difficulty and struggle more when it comes to their
academics. This is an academic source, and I find it very reliable because the source in
itself has data that was found from the authors own research on the topic. These were the
results and conclusions that they found themselves and not something they looked up
online and decided to add it into their journal to make their arguments seem more legit.
This source is different from my other sources because it is about a relationship between
ADHD and anxiety alone. I will be using this journal in a small section of my final
project when I talk about if there is a relationship between ADHD, or other things that
can impact students such as depression, and anxiety. This is useful to me because it gives
me insight on students that have ADHD and if there actually is a relationship between
that and anxiety issues. This made me think a little bit different about anxiety because it
made me realize that people can have anxiety due to certain disorders they have, which is
something I have never thought of.

Medford 6

I really enjoyed reading more about your topic! It sounds to me like you seem to be very
interested in this topic which is great. I like how you included how you will use the
source or not use the source in your final project. One question I do have is, Is there any
statistics in any articles you have found? If so maybe include some of that in your final
project. Your sources appear to be from good places and in the right format. Other than
that you have done a great job with your research so far keep it up!
-Cameron Dixon

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