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Ella Liaw Xin Nee

Thank you chairperson. Good afternoon to the wise panel of

honourable judges, punctual timekeeper, teachers and all my friends.
Today I am here to tell a story entitled The Lion and The Mouse,
The Lion and The Mouse.
Once, there was a lion and a mouse in the woods. One day, the lion
was sleeping happily when a mouse ran over its face. The lion woke up,
and was very angry.
The big lion caught the little mouse angrily and was going to kill it.
The mouse cried to the lion, Oh my king, if you dont kill me, someday I
will help you! The lion started to laugh, Hahahaha! A little mouse can
help a big lion like me? The lion thought it was funny and let the mouse
Soon after that day, the lion was walking in the forest. Suddenly,
it got caught in a net. The lion was very angry and roared, Roar! The
mouse heard the lion and ran to help. The mouse saw the net and
started chewing on it. Soon, the mouse chewed a big hole in the net,
and the lion was free to go! See, the mouse said, You laughed at me
before but even a little mouse can help a big lion!
The lion was very grateful and he no longer looked down on the
little mouse. They became good friends from then on.
Dear friends, from this story, we learn that mightiness and
weakness are relative and not to ignore our individual ability. We must
not look down on anyone, and we must always help the others, because
we may need their help someday. Good deeds to others will be
rewarded to us in return. Thank you.

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