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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam April 20, 2016

What is the relevance of Ramayana in our own lives? Bhagawan lovingly

reminds us today to integrate spirituality into our daily living.
Consider each brother, sister, comrade, companion, and
collaborator of Rama as an example of a person saturated
with Righteousness (dharma). In Ramayana, Dasaratha is
the representative of the merely physical, with the ten
senses. The three qualities (gunas) serenity, activity, and
ignorance (satva, rajas and tamas), are the three queens.
The four goals of life, thepurusharthas righteousness,
wealth, fulfilment of desires, and liberation are the four sons.
Lakshmana is the intellect; Sugriva is discrimination (viveka);
Vali is despair; and Hanuman is the embodiment of courage.
The bridge is built over the ocean of delusion. The
three Rakshasa chiefs, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and
Vibhishana, are personifications of the active (rajasic),
ignorant (tamasic), and pure (sattvic) qualities. Sita is the
Awareness of the Universal Divinity (Brahma-jnana), which
the individual must acquire and regain while undergoing
travails in the crucible of life. Be established in the faith that
the Lord (Rama) is the Reality in your daily existence.
- Ramakatha Rasavahini, The Inner Meaning.

First weed out the evil thoughts and bad habits. Second, cultivate good habits. Baba

20 ApRYl ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:rwmwiex dI ,swfy jIvn iv`c kI auicqqw hy?Bgvwn,ipAwr nwl,swnUM
Awpxy jIvn iv`c, AiD`Awqimkqw nUM,jIvn dw AMg bxwaux leI , Xwd
duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: rwmwiex iv`c,hr Brw,BYx,kwmryf,swQI,sihXogI nUM,Drm krn vwlw
smJo[dSrQ nUM kyvl,iek Awm SrIr smJo,ijs dIAW ds ieMdRIAW hn[iq`n
gux ijvyN swqivk,rwjs Aqy qwms,ienHW nUM,iq`n rwxIAW smJo[jIvn dy cwr
lkS,ijvyN purSwrQ-Drm,D`n dOlq,ie`CwvW dI pUrqI Aqy mukqI,ieh cwr

pu`qr hn[lkSmn nUM,bu`DI,sugrIv nUM,ivvyk(cMgy mwVy iv`c Prk smJ`x

vwlw),bwlI nUM audwsI Aqy hnumwn nUM,hOsly dw srUp smJo[moh mwieAw dy
smuMdr au`qy ,pul bxwieAw igAw hY[rwkiSSW dy iq`n mu`iKAw ijvyN
rwvx,kuMBkrx Aqy BBIkSx nUM,kRmSw,rwjs(sucyq),qwms(AigAwn) Aqy
swqivk(piv`qr),nUM ,iq`n gux smJo[sIqw nUM,bRhm igAwn smJo,ijs igAwn
nUM ,hr iek nUM pRwpq krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy du`KW dI GVI iv`c vI nhIN folxw
cwhIdw[ies cIz qy pUrw ivSvwS r`Ko ik swfy jIvn dy AwDwr, kyvl rwm hI
hn[(rwmkQw rsvwihnI,AMdrUnI ArQ)[
swirAW qoN pihlW,Awpxy iv`coN,mwVy ivcwr Aqy mwVIAW AwdqW dw ivnwS
kro[aus qoN bwd,Awpxy iv`c cMgIAW AwdqW dw bIj bIjo[(bwbw)[

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