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Annotated Bibliography

General Topic: Standardized Testing

Inquiry Question: Why should standardized testing be greatly reduced in the public school
systems in the United States?

Comment [AS1]: This is a really interesting topic!

Alvino, James, and Jerome Wieler. "How Standardized Testing Fails to Identify the Gifted and
What Teachers Can Do about It." The Phi Delta Kappan 61.2 (1979): 106-09. JSTOR. Web. 04
Feb. 2016.
Standardized testing is not the best way to judge the intelligence of students, but it has
become the main evaluative tool used in schools around the country. These tests can not
truly measure someones giftedness because they encourage the values of learning that
are only susceptible to simple measurement, therefore possibly hindering the success of
students. The authors of this article are involved with the education and overall well
being of children everyday, so they are familiar with the topic. This article is fairly old,
so this takes away from the credibility and relevance of the information. Some of the
issues with standardized testing have changed since this was written, but there are several

Comment [AS2]: Since this is the case, you probably

shouldnt use any actual facts that the article may have just
because they may be a little outdated.

concepts that are still relevant to today. Although there are several statistics shown in the
article, there could be some bias, because one of the authors works with gifted students
every day. This source is very suitable for the argument that I am planning to put forth.
One of the main points in my argument is that standardized testing takes away from the
individuality and creativity of learning, and this article talks about that. It also talks about
ways that this issue could be improved by teachers, which is a great step in the right
directions, because it might take a while for the government to get involved.

Comment [AS3]: Its good to talk about the pros and cons of
an article because now you know if its really a good one to

Sacks, Peter. "Standardized Testing: Meritocracy's Crooked Yardstick." Change 29.2 (1997):
24-31. JSTOR. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
There are several different components of learning that standardized testing fails to
uncover in students. Several different subgroups are left out when it comes to
standardized testing, and this is unfair to these students. Because of this, some places

Comment [AS4]: Make sure you really talk about these

components to make the reader know what exactly is wrong
with standardized testing.

have tried to minimize standardized testing, but there are several components that play
into doing so. The author of this article writes frequently about education and economics
in The New York Times, and has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, which signifies
his passion and expertise in the field. Something this is important for credibility in
arguments is to see and understand both sides, and this article seems to do so. Instead of
saying that standardized testing needs to be eliminated all together, the author
understands that this is unrealistic. This article was published about 20 years ago so this
takes away from the credibility of the source. A lot of things have changed in education
since then, but the main focus in this article is still relevant. This source is very suitable
for the argument that I am planning to talk about. The author agrees that standardized
testing is taking about the school systems, but also realizes the struggle and complicated
process to find alternatives. Because of this, this article will add credibility to my
Haney, Walter. "Searching for Alternatives to Standardized Tests: Whys, Whats, and
Whithers." The Phi Delta Kappan 70.9 (1989): 683-87. JSTOR. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.
Standardized testing has been increasing in the world of education, and because of this
more people have been complaining about it. This has lead to a search for alternative
ways to test students on their knowledge and determine their intelligence. Whether

Comment [AS5]: Talking about the author is really good!

schools use standardized testing or not, a more critical approach needs to be taken to
reach all of the aspects of learning and teaching. Both of the authors of this article work

Comment [AS6]: Talk about new ways that are being found
that would be better for students

high up in the education system at a very accredited university. This source also includes
several studies confirming its claims, but understands the complexity of doing away with
all standardized testing. The date of this article is a bit concerning, considering that it was
written in the 1970s. Also some of the potential alternatives could have been outdating,
making this article outdated as well. However, this article is still suitable for my
argument. After sorting through the information in this article, I have still found some
valuable information that will strengthen my argument.
Layton, Lyndsey. "Study Says Standardized Testing Is Overwhelming Nation's Public
Schools." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 24 Oct. 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
Standardized testing is taking over schools in the US, and most of these tests dont
accurately measure a students intelligence. These tests also put strain on the teacher to
stress a certain thing, which takes the fun and creativity out of learning. Not only have
standardized testing been talked about in the education system, but these tests are causing
a large debate in the capital as well. This article was published very recently, so this
makes it relevant to the current issue of standardized testing. The author of this article
works for The Washington Post and writes about a wide variety of things pertaining to
education, making her very educated on the topic. The Washington Post is a commercial
source, so their main goal is to make money. This definitely takes away from the
credibility of the source, but there were several statistics and reliable quotations included
that were of value for my argument. This source suits my argument because it brings the
government into the picture, which will show urgency concerning the issue.

Comment [AS7]: Elaborate on how it also is not good for

teachers to make your viewpoint stronger.

1) Nuts and bolts checklist: Does the writer have a proposed thesis? Inquiry question?
Proper full MLA citation?
Yes, the writer has a proposed thesis and inquiry question. The writer also provides full MLA
citations for every website that they used.
2) Has the writer adequately summarized each source? Do you have a strong sense for what
each source is arguing or each sources general point of view? Does the author describe the
sources ethos? Play back for the writer your understanding of that sources content (based on
the writers annotations).
Yes, the writer does a very good job of summarizing each source! The sources all included a
detailed summary about what the actual sites were about. They used the sites general point of
view, while also providing information that supported their argument. THE AUTHOR DOES
talking about how they are good representations of the topic at hand.
3) In what specific way does the writer analyze his/her sources? Is this analysis enlightening
in some way, beyond the summary? Is the writer making use of direct quotes and then analyzing
those direct quotes?
The writer analyzes her source through thoroughly talking about the actual topic of the overall
article. She then goes into depth talking about whether or not the article is credible and giving
facts to support the articles. The analysis is really interesting and makes me want to know more
about the subject. The writer does not use many direct quotes but talks about how people who
wrote specific articles are people who have been involved with the subject for many years, so
they know what they are talking about.
4) Generally what is working well? What is not working as well as it could?

Overall, I feel as though everything works well. A few comments were made here and there
but overall this is a good draft that needs few improvements.

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