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Blog Post 10: Orpheus and Eurydice

On page 198, a new character named Orpheus is introduced. He was

Shankdaddys manager(198) and now will manage Mona and Beetles band as
they quickly rocket through the ranks to fame. In mythology we just learned about
Orpheus, and, knowing his story, I do not think it is a coincidence that Zobel
decided to name the manager Orpheus. A musician of legend in ancient Greek
mythology, Orpheus could charm animals and girls with his music. His wife,
Eurydice, suffered a premature death so Orpheus tried to save her by going to
the Underworld and bringing her back. The only problem is that Orpheus is not
allowed to look back at her while bringing her back to the surface. Orpheus
disobeys that rule and Eurydice goes back to the Underworld. As a result,
Orpheus becomes a homosexual (abstaining from female love) and the girls who
he used to attract with his music vengefully tear him limb by limb to kill him. One
could claim that Del is Orpheus and that Mona is Eurydice. Del travels to the
Underworld (Colt High) to take Mona back (to New Hampshire) but it cannot be
done because Mona says I have to put my music first(207). This is the last we
see of Del in this reading but I find it hard to believe that Mona and Del wont
cross paths again; the fact that Monas manager is named Orpheus, again, is too
much of a hint at Monas relationship with another guy (it could also be Beetle but
I see the parallel more in Del) for it not to be developed more.

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