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ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT 8495 VETERANS HIGHWAY MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 410-222-8050 Fe ‘selenite 16-712929 cre Faponet ate 04/10/2016 Pept DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Nenbeteo8 GROSSMAN, PAUL, ort to follow DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Fa Fema Fann T30a 21122 637103 | Zastern | 3a1_| 04/10/2016 | 19:22 | 04/10/2016 [iss Tenbeaoaow Tas ed 70993/GROSSMAN, PAUL Eastern Platoon 1 | P0993 a a Or evel “Raine jastern Platoon 1 Fonraes"Ofias roar a 219 Domestic Vielence ARR) i 242378 a] Br wi Tan ca vic | 10428928 tas Be wir Fintan a we wrii |r pee Toazesz9 Hise sax 7 3 lw [a P0993 /GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 Page 1 of 16 16-712929 onre” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Arrestee 1: BATEMAN, RONALD STEWART. Arrestee |1 | Individual TOR as BATEMAN RONALD STEWART [242370 __| wnite [aie [eon “ea | ire? | Hag —T ag ar Cas —— co i 54 | No | 6'00" | 1858 | Gray or Partially Gr: Brown | Fair Home iy Pasadena _~_| Maryland | 21122 04/10/2016 Cell 04/10/2016 Arrested | Arrested | 04/10/2016 | 20:25:00 | 16-3853 | 04/10/2016 | 20:39:00 | Booked te oy (a Penden Count arrestee [care Tal] has La 11415 M | ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE Victim (Person) co PRs er BATEMAN ELSIE MAE 10428928 | White | Female D5 T hee) | Wea oR a vars 34_| No | Hands | Minor Injury (bruises, welts, etc) x oe Home oy ae Pasadena Maryland | 21122 10/2016 Cell 04/10/2016 Ti = Witness |1 | Individual a : nw) vena 10428929 | White | Male B os “ie | ae Home oy ccna: | | Mee onerinn Nene ‘On 4/10/16 at approximately 1922 hrs., | responded to Rd. in Pasadena, A.A. Co MD for a report of a possible domestic assault that just occur arrived, I spoke to the victim, Ms. Elsie Bateman. Ms. Bateman said that she and her husband, Mr. Ronald Bateman, got into an argument tonight after ‘she came home from dinner, Ms. Bateman said she went outside to rearrange their vehicles due to their work ‘schedules. Ms. Bateman also sent a text message to Mr. Bateman mentioning that he may want to check on his Corvette. Mr. Bateran, believing his wife may damage his vehicle, came outside and told her to keep away from his "stuf." Ms. Bateman said she locked all the doors to the house because she did not want Mr. Bateman back inside the house. Mr. Bateman ultimately kicked in the garage door leading to the kitchen in order to gain entry into his own home. ‘Once Mr. Batemian entered the home again, Ms, Bateman said they ultimately continued their argument inside their house in the master bedroom. Ms. Bateman said Mr. Bateman told her'to get out of the house. Ms. 70993/GROSSYAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 | page 2 of 16 / 16-712929 Gara” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Bateman advised she was going to leave the house, but she did not have any money. Ms. Bateman said she grabbed Mr. Bateman's money clip because it had cash. Ms. Bateman claimed Mr. Bateman had “cut her money off.” and she didn't have any other means to get money. Ms. Bateman advised Mr. Bateman became anary because she was attempting to take his money. Ms. Bateman said they continued arguing and then Mr. Baleman pushed her onto the bed. Ms. Bateman began yelling for her on, who was in his own mn, \Elliikehsaid he came into the master bedroom and saw Mr. Bateman holding his mother down on the bed. aid Mr_ Bateman was using both hands to hold IMs. Bateman down, but he was not on top of her or straddling her. fll. said Mr. Bateman asked him to get the money clip from his mother. advised he was able get Mr. Bateman off of his mother, but he didnot retrieve the money cl Ms. Bateman'fren toe to {90 back into his bedroom because she did not want to see them fighting, Ms. Bateman said they continued to argue in the hallway. just outside of the master bedroom. Ms. Bateman said Mr. Bateman grabbed her again and she slapped him in the face. Ms. Bateman said they continued to argue a8 they moved into their “craft” room. Ms. Bateman said Mr. Bateman pushed her to the floor in the craft room Ms. Bateman said she began screaming for ii again. Aljgisaid he went into the craft room to help his ‘mother and saw that she was lying on the floor with Nir. Beteman holding Ms. Batemian on the floor ijlex admitted seeing his mother slap Mr. Bateman in the face while they were in the hallway. but in his opinion, it wes in self defense. Ms. Bateman said Mr. Baleman had thrown her into a wall in the craft room and she hit the back of her head before she yelled for her son to come and help her. Ms. Bateman said Mr. Bateman hit her in the left side of her face and her mouth during their struggle in the bedroom and the craft room. She did not specificaly know what part of Mi, Bateman’s body caused her injuries or if the injuries were the result of her being thrown or pushed to the floor. | saw very slight redness along Ms. Bateman's left cheek near her left eye. The biood vessels in her left eye appeared to be busted and Ms. Bateman had 2 small swollen spot on the left side of her lower lip. Ms. Bateman did not need any medical assistance at the scene and did not request any medical assistance. i did not see any noticeable injures to Mr. Bateman, | also spoke to Mr. Bateman about the incident. Mr. Bateman, who had been drinking, admitted to getting into an argument with his wife. Based on text messages he received from his Ms. Bateman a bit earlier in the ‘evening, he thought she was going to cause damage to his Corvette. imately. there was no damage done to the vehicle and Mr. Bateman went beck inside the home where their argument continued in the master bedroom. Mr, Bateman said during their argument, Ms. Bateman pushed all the tems off ofa side dresser while they argued. | did find a busted alarm clock on the side dresser. | also found a large wet spot on the comforter that Ms. Batemian said was from a beer that spilled while they were arguing. Mr. Bateman said Ms. Bateman then tied to take his money before she left the house and he tried to get the money clip back from her Mr. Bateman said he did not strite Ms. Bateman al any time, but said he did hold her down on the bed in an effort to retrieve the money clip she had taken without his permission. Mr, Baleman said he continued to try to get his money clip back from his wife. but she refused. He said they continued to argue in the upstairs hallway before her son, lig came to try to intervene when Ms. Bateman called for him. Mr. Bateman denied ever Pushing Ms. Bateman to the floor or throwing her against a wall in the craft room. Due to the subjects involved in this incident, A/LL. Long #1254 was advised and responded to the scene. A/Lt Long spoke to all partes involved including the witness, Based on the above information. Mr. Bateman was subsequently placed under arrest and transported to Eastern istic for processing. At Eastern. Mr Bateman was charged with one count of 2nd Degree Assault PP. Mitchel! #1921 stayed at the scene and completed the Domestic Violence forms with Ms. Bateman. This included written statements from her and her son, Ms. Bateman completed a Domestic Violence Letalty form and screened in according to protocol. She did not wish to speak to 2 counselor but was encouraged to do so by Pfc. Mitchell, Ms. Bateman was given @ copy of a Crime Victim's booklet and advised of her tight to obtain a protective order against Mr. Bateman Due to the nature of the call, all of the handguns, shotguns and rifles that were owned by Mr. Bateman were recovered by Pfe.Gerczak #1742 and Pfc. Mitchell #1921. The weapons were placed into property at Eastern district for safekeeping. All of the weapons were checked through the MD Gun Center (Case #16 - 1886) The Undersheritf of Anne Arundel County, R. Tabor, was contacted about the incident. He was advised that Mr Bateman’s duty weapon and credentials were removed from his Anne Arundel County vehicle. A Ford Explorer with MD reg, 1BE6542, and placed into property for safekeeping until a member of the Anne Arundel County Sheriffs office could take custady of those items Photographs were taken of the scene and of ids. Baleman's injuries. 70993/GROSSHAN , PAUL, 04/11/2016 06:20 Page 3 of 16 16-712929 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Sosenen) ‘ORIG Ne P0993/GROSSMAN, PAUL aA 04/11/2016 10:43 Page 4 of 16 16-712929 onc” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT ate "ime ‘MerbertDep 04/11/2016 | 02:12 | P0993 IMG _0039[1} .JPG | x aR 70993/GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 Page 5 of 16 16-712929 oae ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT ee Time | Member oe | Te 04/11/2016 | 02:12 | P0993 IMG_0037[1] .JPG ‘70993 /GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 | page 6 of 16 16-712929 oc ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY PGLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Tene | Marberest = 04/11/2016 | 02:12 | P0993 Desert IMG_0038(1] JPG '70993/GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 | Page 7 of 16 16-712929 cae ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY PQLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Dae 7 Neressoesiia Ty 04/11/2016 | 02:13 | P0993 IMG_0036[1] JPG a Ee aot 1 ‘20993/GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 Page @ of 16 16-71292: one ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT 04/11/2016 02:13 | 20993 | be 0032(11.9F6 170993 /GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 Page 9 of 16 16-712929 omc ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT 04/11/2016 | 02:13 | P0993 | IMG_0030(1) .3e6 | P0993/cRossMAN, PAU. [oa7az/2016 10:43 | Page 10 of 16 16-712929 onrc” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Dae rae 04/21/20: P0993 Donegan IMG 0031[1] [ Sat jaoie soa [mn = 170993/GROSSMAN, PAUL ___[04721/2016 10:43 Page 11 of 16 16-712929 one” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Dee are Toe) Merbesie 2016 | 02:14 | P0993 eres | IMG_0033[1] .gPG ae 7 P0993/GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 Page 12 of 16 16-712929 9 cae ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT ener Reser oa a T 20993/GROSSMAN, PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 | Page 13 of 16 16-712929 ome” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT 04/11/2016 IMG_0035[1] .J>G P0993/GROSSMAN , PAUL 04/11/2016 10:43 _ Page 14 of 16 16-712929 ona ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Tw Dae ire | Meret OF 04/11/2016 | 02:15 | P0993 | Deven IMG_0040[1] .JPG Reeser reeerseer omar tee | aR P0993/GROSSMAN, PAUL | ospasyzna Page 15 of 16 16-712929 oma” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT [ares Pepa OR Loy - P0993/GROSSMAN, PAUL —_ [oa7t1/2016 10:43 Page 16 of 16 ANNE ARUNDEL OUNTY POLICE DOMESTIC JOLENCE REPORT veroranaeseasr rast moos) PAT 08, st 1740 VICTINS ADORESS Pe 7 sx PHONE #HOME:( - ' WORK: " onan Davorwexxooconne> $NI0I DATEANDToaEOcCURRED Ullal /(@.__oaTeano roe: avonrto 4hpo| par. 3 rer A sur || ‘PERMANENT ALTEINATE CONTACT NAME ADRESS & PHONE NUMBER weneaue ru ara, [NAMEOF WENESIA_ (ov or rat nace AJ sex MA. we 2" 80 aed ov. eS saa TS ADDRESSOPSUSPECT uu ‘muon ETORY OFDOMERTCViNENCE: vs OND -nmERor PRK DC wermconsmessTandTose © banox QYsENCUS rerom: aves Xho rvs casewonsens A ‘LEOHOLOR DRUGS BOLNED susvecn Mrson0 es ust rss: Aloo. ‘eva: ovEs Ko wves.uier rire ‘DOES a VICTB/ CURRENTLYIAVE APROTECTIECRDER AGATE SUSPECT, YES eo FYE WHATTYPEL GEXPARTEORDER —ofmorscrveoanen SsUNOCOURT, ASE NOMBER, PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER __ANNE ARUNDEL C UNTY POLICE DOMESTIC POLICE ACTION LETHALITY ASSESSMENT GIVEN? Referral eiggers } SUSPECT ARRESTED eat wh? (CRIME VICTIM BOOK GIVEN Une why? | PHOTOS TAKEN ) No VICTMSUSPECTSCENE ‘STRANGULATION SYMPTOMS AND/OR INJURY ‘PETEOUIA nll rot oye gt caused by Sleigh shin. rat BREATHING CHANGES: Ditties best, Hypemedation, Unable jew | VOICE CHANGES: Resp voice, Hoscie wice, Coughing, UnapKt speak SWALLOWING CHANGES: Tzosble sostoning, inflow, Neck | pelo, Netees/Voring, Droog ACH: Red or flushed, Petechia, Seouaes Bei FOHEST/SHOULDER: Nees, Sashes, Beis, Abacos Headache, Fainted, Uieation, Defeenion, Loss of QUESTIONS FOR STRANGULATION VICTIM How was the vietim strangled? Onehand (UR) _Twohands UR) _i Forearm (Li) How long? woot (LR) conse NuNmER INT tee ter | 7 OLENCE REPORT INJURY DIAGRAM: To be completed by sien, Mak nd ntl the dig rel) wheve you wee suck me rae x aN | THAVE PHYSICALLY POINTED OUT T0 THE OFFICER (obs pleted vt (ON THE DIAGRAM WHERE 1 WAS STRUCK STRANGLED (ON ey PERSON WHERE WAS STRUCK /STRANGLED ‘THE PERSON WHO STRUCKME /STRANGLED ME “THE OBJECT USED TO STRUKE ME /STRANGLED ME [NAME OF FERSON WHO STRUCK ME /STRANGLED ME sev. ovovante DOM.STIC VIOLENCE LET1.ALITY SCREEN FOR FIRST RESPONDERS HOTLINE NUMBER 410-222- i] Has he/she threatened to Kill you or your children? |. Do you think helshe might ty to Kill you? 7. Has he/she ever tried to choke you? Ts felso lei or constantly jelous or does elke convo mos No GNot Ans. our daily activities? Tne ee hr op a Ing aS 6 DERG RASTA kai TINO GNot Ans, j. Is he/she unemployed? Yes }iglo ONot Ans. Hias helahe ever ried to Kall himsel herself? Tives No GNot Ans. 10. Do you have a child that he/she knows is not his/hers? WiVes UNO GNot Ans. it. ere reine ener Byes Hed ‘Note: The questions above andthe criteria for determining the level of rik a person faces ts based on the best available research on factors associated with lethal violence bya current or former intimate partner. However, each situation may present undgue factors that influence risk for lethal violence that are not captured by this screen. Although most victims who screen “postive” or “high danger" would not Be expected 1 be killed, these victims face much higher risk than that of other victims of intimate partner violence. F Al INDI UNTY & ANNAPOLIS HOTLINI 122- spurns maoesor «DIST: ORIGINAL: CENTRAL RECORDS YELLOW: CID PINK: DISTRICT GOLDENROD: OFFICER PD 1603 Rev. 06-15-07 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPA” WENT, MILLERSVILLE, MD. err emeneieee a vine onneam wT econo orricen Form # 08-13-60-1-A, PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CASE NUMBER: Doile - 112424 Today’s Date:__4 | io | ig Time_n®® lez? ipa End:__ 210 We Statement of: Qa. A3. Q4. A4. @. AS. Q6. Ab ‘What és your full name and date of birth? What is your home address an¢ telephone number? What is your cell phone numbers? Can you read and write? How far in school did you attend? ‘What is your work address and phone number? CASE _.UMBER: 20 (¢e “112 474_ Q7. In your own words, would you like to give a statement in writing t 0 what occurred on the above date(s) and/or time(s) at the location(s) name? Al. CASi. SUMBER: 2019-1 ¢ CASE ..JMBER:20[l¢ -"12.424 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE RECOVERED PROPERTY/EVIDENCE FORM (SUPPLEMENT) oR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, 2011 Cy mem ” io: Department vehicle key and assorted keys PROPERTY MANAGEMENT USE ORLY DISPOSITION CODES RO — RETURNED TO OWNER RF RETURNED TO FINDER OU— DEPARTMENT USE A- AUCTIONED D-DESTROYED RC-RECYCLED PAGE _2_oF_2_ Page: 1 Document Name: Untitled 1. Pri: Q3At 2. Back: E310 Q3A2 |1. Pri 2. Back: saa | AA 6. Grid: 09 I 6. Grid: 3A1 Fos 8619 FORT SMALLW | 7. Notes: incident closed (993186-22) |7. Notes GENERAL INCIDENT - SEE PAGE 2 | ed I R19:21 S$ 19:21 0 19:22 A 19:27 | R Ss D A 11. Deser: |11. Deser: 15. Code: 19 16. Code: |15. Code: 16. Code: "RETURN" , PRINT, VR-View Reports,N-notes,P-page2,UT-Unit Times, API, UI 1 Sess-1 4 23/72 Name: q02008 - Date: 4/19/2016 Time: 7:39:55 AMl Page: 1 Document Name: Untitled Pleas 10. When occur: 11. N/wateh: 16. Weapons ... : 17. Notes: The date is now 04/11/2016 unit Q3A1 current location: 76 EASTERN (999283-17) X (999973-11) Timer reset to 999 minutes on unit O3A1 at 01: 10-24 (999186-22) *Police incident closed (993186-22) 19:25 (993186-22) PRESS ‘RETURN’ KE) 1 Sess-1 10.70,60.92 1 23/35 Name: q02008 - Date: 4/19/2016 Time: 7:93:57 AM Page: 1 Document Name: Untitled Notes tor 19-ccvesti¢ ot Backup officer: GERCZAK, JOHN E Backup officer: LONG, DANIEL B. MITCHELL, MICHAEL Cc. Primary officer: GROSSMAN, PAUL Date closed: 04/11/16 Time closed: 03:27:25 Disposition 1: 19 DOMESTIC - PRIMARY 2 *IN PROGRESS (993986-11) BETWEEN CALLER AND HUSBAND (993386-11) HUSBAND HIT CALLER IN FACE (999986-11) 19:21:42 19:21:46 19:21:50 AMBO REFUSED (993386-11) 24:53 ALE IS 6I (993986-11) 2:22:02 NO CDS, (993986-11) 19:22:15 10-32S IN THE HOUSE (993986-11) 19:22:22 P.D, Response area is 130402 (993952-22) 19:22:40 Community of FINE GROVE VILLAGE (993952-22) 19:22:40 Timer reset to 80 minutes on unit Q3A1 at 19:22:47 (999952-22) 19:22:47 Timer reset to 30 minutes on unit Q3A2 at 19:22:47 (993352-22) 19:22:47 ONE IN WORK TRUCK, OTHER IN BEDROOM (993386-11) 19:22:54 NALES NAME RON (999986-11) 19:23:42 "RETURN' FOR MORE LINES, 'X' TO EXIT: _ 1 23/64 1 Sess-1 10. 70,60.92 Nama: 02008 - Date: 4/19/2016 Time: 7:34:00 All Page: 1 Document Name: Untitled PARTIES ACTIVELY ARGUING (999386-11) 19:24:11 17 WAITING FOR OFFICERS OUTFRONT (993986-11) 19:24:34 YUNIT STATUS CHECKS 0K (993352-22) Timer reset to 30 minutes on unit O3A1 at 19:93:52 (999952-22) Timer reset to 30 minutes on unit Q3A2 at 19:33:53 (999352-22) E310 DIRECT (993352-22) Timer reset to 333 minutes on unit QSA4 at 19:43:20 (999952-22) Timer reset to 30 minutes on unit £310 at 19:44:10 (999952-22) Timer reset to 833 minutes on unit OSA1 at 20:04:26 (999952-22) 20:04:26 Timer reset to 333 minutes on unit QSA2 at 20:04:27 (993952-22) Timer reset to 333 minutes on unit E910 at 20:14:16 (999952-22) 20:14:16 Unit Q3A1 current location: 95 1X TO EASTERN (998952-22) 20:25:23 Assigned report number: 2016-712929 (993252-22) 20:25:24 Unit Q3A1 current location: 95 1X AT EASTERN (998952-22) 20:33:37 Unit Q3A4 current location: 76 EASTERN W/PROPERTY (993352-21) 24:11:23 Unit Q3A2 current location: 76 EASTERN (993352-21) 21:18:05 Unit E310 current location: 76 EASTERN (993352-21) 21:18:10 Unit Q3A4 current location: EASTERN W/PROPERTY (993352-21) 21:20:36 Unit OSA2 current location: EASTERN (993352-21) 21:21:94 Unit QSA1 current location: 95 ANNAP COMMISH (993186-21) 22:53:46 "RETURN' FOR MORE LINES, 'X' TO EXIT, 'T' FOR TOP: _ Sess-1 1 23/67 Name: 902008 - Date: 4/19/2016 Time: 7:94:01 All Page: 1 Document Name: Untitled Notes ror 19-.0esT¢ ot Unit Q3A1 current location: 95 AT COMMISH (999186-22) The date is now 04/11/2016 Unit Q3A1 current location: 76 EASTERN (993283-17) X (999373-11) Timer reset to 999 minutes on unit Q3A1 at 01 10-24 (999186-22) *Police incident closed (999186-22) 95 (998186-22) RETURN’ TO PROCEED, 'T' FOR TOP: _ 1 237/35 Sess-1 Name: 902008 - Date: 4/19/2016 Time: 7:34:02 AM 16-712929 coor” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Repo te 8495 VETERANS HIGHWAY 04/13/2016 epee MILLERSVILLE, ND 21108 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ortte7 08 HALPIN, LAUREN 410-222-8050 Report to fold: | OMESTIC VIOLENCE a to , Pa | Fan "in tins 305———T75 21122 637103 | Eastern | 3a1 | 04/10/2016 19:22 04/10/2016 | 19:22 7 raat ender Eastern Platoon 3 | P1912 eee 1 aoe 04/13/2016 (21:21:32 CK “oe SRT 58_| No 1425637 The = Work/Business | 8 CHURCH CIRCLE oy = Pade 7 bi Annapolis Maryland | 21401 04/13/2016 ae oa Business | (410) 222-1571 04/13/2016 Modus Operandi neta |Assaults ‘On 04/13/16 al approximately 1030 hours, Detective Utzig and I conduste an interview with Rick Tabor, in reference to a domestic violence case involving Ron and E'sie Batemais. ‘xionel Rick Tabor is employed with the Anne Arundel County Sheriff's Office. Mrs. Bateman advised that Mr, sie: may have information in regards to this case and other previous domestic violence incidents involving Ron Bateman Det, Utzig, Mr. Tabor, and | pracesdad fo the conference room where the interview took place. During the interview I took written notes as Detective Utzig interviewed Mr, Tabor. Det, Utzig began by asking Mr. Tabor who, related to Ron and Elsie Bateman, contacted him on Sunday (04/10/16) during tiie domestic incident. Mr. Tabor advised that Ron had contacted him however, he missed the call. Eventually, Mr, Tabor and Ron spoke over the phone and Ron advised that he and his wife Elsie had gotten into an argument. Eisie had siepped Kon and her son witnessed the incident. Mr. Bateman advised the police were on scene. Mr. Tabor advised Mr. Bateman to call him back. Mr, Bateman called back and advised a lieutenant was inside his home speaking with Elsie and I Det, Utzig asked Mr, Tabor if Mr. Bateman has put his hands on Mrs. Sateman. Mr. Tabor replied, "I didn't ask", Mr Tabor advised he received another phone call from Mr. Bateman, advising he was being arrested and the story apparently had changed from what Mr. Bateman had told Mr. Tabor earlier. Mr. Bateman asked Mr. Tabor if he could contact Attorney Peter O'Neill. Mr. Tabor made contact with Mr. Bateman while he was al Eastern District, and after he was released Det. Utzig asked Mr. Tabor if Mr. Bateman sounded intoxicated when speaking with him. IMr. Tabor responded, "No", as he and Mr. Bateman were together on Sunday at a bull roast. Mr. Tabor advised he had stopped at 177:Liguars and Mr. Bateman had picked up a 6 pack of Miller Beer. Mr. Tabor and Mr. | Pis12/aanpIn LATS ~ __|'0a7/19/2016 08 2 Page 1 of 2 16-712929 coer” ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT _ DRAFT SET ed Bateman left the bull roast a litle after 1700 hours, and Mr. Bulerian appeared fine. Mr. Tabor stated that they rode around talking, He knew Mr. Bateman was having masiia’ problems and tried to speak with him about it. Mr. Tabor advised he dropped Mr. Bateman off at the old Easter District around 1830 hours, as Mr. Bateman was not intoxicated Det, Utzig asked Mr. Tabor if Mr. Bateman had made any mention of Mrs. Bateman being on the ground, or about [coming into the room when the incident occurred. Mr. Tabor advised Mr. Bateman had read the statements given and stated they were all false. Det. Utzig advised Nar. Tabor that Mrs. Bateman had stated, she had called Mr. Tabor numerous times in reference to Mr. Batemen baing, “Out of control’. Mrs. Bateman advised she was upset that Mr, Tabor supported Ron. Mr. Tabor advised she had called once about a prior incident. Mr. Tabor, and Mr. and Mrs. Bateman were at ‘a fundraiser in Annapolis. They left and went to Mothers Bar to watch a game. Mr. Tabor stated he guesses they had a blow out on the ride there and they didn't stay at Mothers long, Mrs. Bateman called Mr. Tabor after the two thad left Methers advising Mr. Bateman would not leave her alone and let her drive. Mr. Tabor asked Mrs. Baieman if Mr. Bateman had put his hands on her, she responded, "No". Mr. Tabor then spoke with Mr. Bateman ‘and advised fim to leave Mrs. Bateman alone and allow her to drive him home. Mr. Tabor had made a comment of, “The thing at Mothers was more of a nuisance thing”. Det. Utziy asited Mr. Tabor if there had been any incidents similar to the one he just advised of. Mr. Tabor responded, "fio | have never known Ron to be violent’. Det. Utzig asked Mr. Tabor if Mr. Bateman has a known driaking problem, Mr. Tabor advised, "I don't know, there is no evidence of it at work, I'm not hearing evidence of i’, Wir. Tabor also stated wher they are at social events he does not observe Mr. Bateman drinking much if at all ‘ir. Tabor was asked if he heid ser seen a physical altercation between Mr, and Mrs. Bateman, he responded, Neves’, Gel. Utzig asked Mr. Tabor if the Mothers incident was the only time Mrs. Bateman had contacted him in rolerenire fo Mr. Batemar’s behavior. Mr. Tabor replied, “Yes, the only weird thing, she never called me in conlidense. af to state that he hit her". Mr. Tabor stated that the Mothers incident was the only time Mrs. Bateman ha-ablied-him in reference to Ron. Det: Utzig ited Mr. Tabor if he had seen Mrs. Bateman recently. Mr. Tabor advised he had seen her this morning in the office. Det. Utzig asked if he had noticed any injuries on Mrs. Bateman and asked how Mrs. Bateman was walking. Mr. Tabor advised he saw no visible injuries on Mrs. Bateman and she was walking fine. The interview concluded at approximately 1047 hours, ‘Also included in this supplement are photographs of the text message conversation between Detective Utzig and Mrs. Bateman. The dates of the conversation are 04/11/16 and 04/12/16. P1912/HALPIN, LAUREN 04/19/2016 08:51 Page 2 of 2 suptement No 16-712929 — cooz ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT | sq DRAFT 8495 VETERANS HIGHWAY Ba/asvaors MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE NemtetDo9 OF GROSSMAN, PAUL 410-222-8050 Teneo oer Rope Sipe ND Ree ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Tectu2929 | “0002” 04/13/2026 | 13:58 Ropar Tie Report to follow | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Poss Ed Pasadena PO. Det Feat — Fro aman [Toa y Rime. 21122 mn BAL | 04/10/2016 | 19:22 | 04/10/2016 | 19:22 | Tense oO sgt TaroaTOF | 20993/GROSSMAN, PAUL Eastern Platoon 1 | MITCHELL, M. | Sad Towr See al raping ce 1 Eastern Platoon 1_| P3310 Central Records | P3310 i ‘esa 13/2016 | P0993/GROSSMAN, PAUL, 04/19/2016 08:51 Page 1 of 1 16-712929 0003" ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT 8495 VETERANS HIGHWAY 04/13/2016 MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Menberesto# ISAAC, B. 410-222-8050 een eue lel me om Sperone repeesom ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT | 16-712929 0003 | 04/13/2016 | 14:31 Report to follow | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE i | az iz | Pasadena | 21122 637103 | Eastern | 3a1_| 04/10/2016 | 19:22 | 04/10/2016 irae eT a — P1525/ISAAC,B Eastern Dective Unit i} saomer ro ar Taxes oat a Eastern Dective unit | Pi5z5 04/13/2016 21: Modus Operandi Seco) } Resaults This narrative was written by Detective T. Utzig #1241, Eastem District Domestic Violence Unit (On 4/11/16 | conducted a follow-up investigation related to Domestic Violence case # 2016-712929. | attempted to contact the victim, Elsie Bateman at the phone number that was provided to the responding officers from my departmental cell phone. The phone number provided was also verified through CAD as being provided by Mrs. Bateman on 4/10/16. Mrs. Bateman did not answer the call and | left a voice message. Mrs. Bateman did respond to my call via text message, ‘At 0848 Hrs. Mrs. Bateman replied with the following test message. Bateman- "I'm sorry | couldn't talk I'm sitting in my doctor's office can | call you after, Elsie” Utzig- "Yes. This is Det. Utzig call me as soon as you are out" Bateman- "Ok, There are news cameras at my front door why are they here Please make them go away” Utzig- "We cant make them go leave. | did notify my higher ups they are there." Bateman- "OK thanks for trying my oldest daughter is coming over now to see if she can get them to go away" Utzig- "They are not allowed on your property” "You may also gotten a message from another Officer Halpi was calling for me.. Cause | was not at the office. Just call this number" Bateman- "Yes | did and I'l call her too” Ok I'l call u after dr is done." Utzig- "OK" ‘At 1035 Hrs. | sent a text message to Mrs. Bateman in an attempt to make contact with her and follow up on the domestic violence report however she didn't respond. Utig- "How are you doing?” ‘At 1047 Hrs. Ron Bateman contacted Lt, Crosse #1340 in reference to a domestic stand by at his residence. Lt Crosse then spoke with Mrs. Bateman about the domestic standby and the process of Mr. Bateman's property recovery. She agreed that the domestic standby could be done and was advised that officers would be responding soon. At 1119 Hrs I sent another text message to Mrs. Bateman Utzig- "Just trying to follow up with you" ‘Ra OF = eR [Pisas/rsaac,s. ____| 04/19/2016 08:52 Page 1 of 4 ‘She 16-712929 — 005"" ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT DRAFT Mrs. Bateman responded fo the text Bateman. "Well supposedly they are bringing him here to get stuff | had to leave dr office to make sure I'm here when my kids get home my dr will see me after because they are doing a press conference of some sort here” Utzig- "Ok. Gan you talk?” Bateman- “Yes Utzig- “It will be from a 222 number" I called Mrs. Bateman from the academy line at 1119Hrs, Mrs. Bateman answered and | identified myself. | explained the process about the domestic stand by that Mrs. Bateman asked about earlier. | explained the process for oblaining a protective order and how it can assist so if she was in fear. | asked Mrs. Bateman if she fol she needed a protective order endishe cxpondec, "Yes" i a Wis. Bateman also stated Tat she was gong To have ‘and go to the courthouse to obtain @ protective order. At 1121 Hrs. Lt. Crosse and Cpl. Johnson #1798 responded to the residence at QU Pasadena, MD 21122 to assist with the domestic stand by. At 1218 Hrs I contacted the YWCA Civil Advocate at the Glen Burnie District Courthouse to advise them that Mrs Bateman would be responding to obtain a protective order. | also made arrangements for someone to respond to the courthouse to take follow up photographs of her injuries, ‘At 1239 Hrs. | sent another text message to Mrs. Bateman, attempting to determine how the domestic stand by went, and also verify if she was going to obtain a protective order. Utzig- "How did it go?" Bateman- "He took out some clothes and somebody drove his truck somebody came and got his work truck and he took his corvette so other than that there should be no reason for him to comeback but he stil left all his suits and everything in there so | don't know what we're going to do" "and now | am headed back to the doctor but there ate three reporters in my neighborhood and my kids are scared so now | have to turn around and go back so they don't bang on the door for them’ Utzig- "Can | be honest with you?” Bateman. "Yes please do” Utzig- "You need to NOT feed the beast.. Less comments to media and social media.. The better off for you" Bateman- "Oh | am not saying anything to anyone | had been brothers email me on Facebook asking me if | will call him and make a statement | didn't even reply.” Utzig- "You are not going to change anyone's opinion.. And it will only make things worse, Believe me | have seen it Bateman: "I love that man so much this is kiling me | want this all to get better and go away he was supposed to g0 to counseling on Wednesday" Utzig- "I am just telling you what my experience is and has been” Bateman- "Oh | believe you 100% that's why | told my kids do not talk to anyone” “I know they will be scared if | ‘am not home and they bang on the door like they did this morning” Utzig- "The Facebook post isn't gonna help.. You asked for my opinion” Bateman- "I will be deactivated D activating mine very shortly" Utzig- "Might be smart to delete that last one, especially if you are getting @ PO” At 1249 Hrs. Mrs. Bateman sent me a text message. "Well he that doesnt surprise me | met my kids just called crying that the 5 /TSAAC, B. = 04/19/2016 08:51 Page 2 of 4 16-712929 0003" ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT _ DRAFT ‘news reporters are in my driveway banging and screaming and banging on the door so now I have to rush home to get them off the property" Utzig- "they are best to ignore it." Bateman- "Oh | told them do not go anywhere near a window or door I'l be there in a few minutes to scream at them to get off the property" At 1282 Hrs. | called and spoke with Mrs. Bateman on the phone and advised her not to have any contact with news reporters. Mrs. Bateman stated that she understood. Mrs. Bateman also stated to me, "I can't believe Tabor released a statement supporting him, | have had to call him out to the house to help me with Ron’. | reaffirmed to Mrs. Bateman that she should go to the courthouse for the protective order, and Mrs. Bateman stated that she would. ‘At 1300 Hrs I sent Mrs. Bateman another text message in an attempt to verify she was getting a protective order. Utzig- "Let me know when you are at the courthouse | am gonna have someone meet you to take photos" Bateman- "I can't leave yet they are all across the street facing my house" you want/need the PO, that is what is important” Utzig- “They are gonna be there. Bateman-"So | go to the GlenBurnie courthouse and go to the commissioner's office correct” “That litle room on the right-hand side" Utzig- "No.. If before 4, you go upstairs to the clerks office." "And the YWCA has a advocate that will assist you in filing” Bateman- "OK headed there now’ Utzig- "Can you stop at the station for photos?" Bateman- "Before or after” Utzig- "Before if possible” "Off Halpin is there and could do it now" Batemar 1 can go right after" Ubig- "OK.. We will work it out Let me know when at GB" ‘At 1330 Hrs. Off. Halpin contacted the YWCA Civil Advocate trying to determine if Mrs. Bateman had responded to the Glen Burnie District Courthouse. | received a voicemail from the Civil Advocate at 1332 Hrs. that Mrs. Bateman didn't come to the court to apply for the protective order. ‘At 1345 Hrs. | sent Mrs, Bateman another text message due to her not responding Utzig- "| am gonna have a Det meet you at the courthouse when you get there” I didn't get a response and sent her another text message at 1359 Hrs. Utzig- "Update" | sent another message to Mrs. Bateman at 1435 Hrs. Utzig- "Not trying to bug you.. Did you go to court? | would like to get photos of your eye” Bateman- "Getting X-rays now" Utzig- "0K" Bateman- “I'm at hospital” Utig- "BWMC?" At 1506 Hrs. | sent Mrs. Bateman another message. Utzig- “I can meet you at BWMC. Where are you?" ‘At 1512 Hrs. | called Mrs. Bateman’s phone and left a voicemail in an attempt to get an update from her, and | P15257zsaac,B. ['o47i9/2016 08:52 Page 3 of 4 ‘Seplenent io 16-712929 — o003 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT _ DRAFT photograph her injuries ‘At 1521 Hrs. | responded to Baltimore Washington Medical Center and | was advised by the hospital staff that Mrs. Bateman never checked into the hospital to receive treatment On 4/12/16 at 1430 Hrs, Off Halpin and | responded to Mrs. Bateman's residence at Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 in an attempt to take photos of her injuries and offer her transportation to obtain a protective order. There was no response at the door, as I left my business card for her to contact me. At 1458 Hrs. | received a text message from Mrs. Bateman. Bateman. "This is Elsie Bateman | am not pursuing charges against my husband Ron Bateman... He never struck me or hit me and | truly am not sure how | was injured because it all happened so fast.. If you don't mind please do not contact me anymore... thank you for your help we are going to work this out through counseling Due to the information that was obtained regarding Rick Tabor’s conversations with Mrs. Bateman about other incidents, an interview will be scheduled. At this time the investigation is ongoing, [ Rone eR | Pis25/rsaac, 3. = 04/19/2016 08:51 Page 4 of 4

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