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By: Alicia Anderson


Number the Stars
Lois Lowry
Third grade reading level

The story is about ten-year-old Annemarie

Johansen, who lives with her family in
Copenhagen in 1943. She and her family
become part of events related to rescuing Jews.
They were trying to get them to Sweden
because it was a neutral territory. She and her
family risk their lives to help out friends and
people from their community.The story's title is
taken from a reference to Psalm 147, in which
the writer relates that God has numbered all
the stars in the universe. It ties into the Star of
David, worn by Ellen on her necklace, which is
symbolic to the story. ( )

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

John Boyne
8th grade reading level

Bruno is a child who lives in Berlin in

1942. There is a tall fence the
stretches as far as he can see behind
his home. He strikes up an unlikely
friendship with a strange boy behind
the fence.

Morris Gleitzman

Felix is an Jewish boy. He is hiding for

the Nazis in Poland in 1942. Only he
does not know about he war going
on outside. When he thinks his
parents are in danger, he sets out to
warn them.
For ages 12-17

The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank, introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt

Anne Frank spent two years hiding

with her family because they were
Jews. The diary is written by her and
depicts the event she and her family
with through.
Reading level 4th grade

The Butterfly
Patricia Polacco

A young girl Monique become friends

with another girl who had been
hiding in her basement from Nazis.
They play together after dark, until
one night they are caught.
4th grade reading level

The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark

Carmen Deedy

Denmark remained as a neutral

territory, all thanks to the brave
efforts of King Christian X. He
committed his life to keeping the
Danes safe.
6th grade reading level

The Lily Cupboard

Shulamith Levey Oppenheim

Miriam is sent to Holland to escape

the Nazis. She befriends the boy
whose parents are hiding her. He
even gives her a special gift.
K-2nd reading level


This video shows a girl who took
the poem The Butterfly turned
into a beautiful song! Great for

If you want to hear more from
this creator follow her on
instagram: @allietaylorrr

This website serves as an excellent resource for children. It provides

age appropriate content. It gives the definition of the holocaust and
other element about it.

ching-resources serves as a great
resource for teachers and parents!
The website includes: books,
videos, activities, and lesson plans!
We can use art and poetry to teach
about this tough topic. It is great
for parents to find outside
resources and elements to teach
on this tough subject matter.
This is a video a lesson a 6th grade did on the holocaust, not a typical
lesson. I think it is great for parents to see how children are learning
about this subject in school.

Schindler's List - This movie tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a

German businessman who managed to save the lives of over one
thousand Jewish people who worked in his factories. Note: this
movie is R-rated and not for children.

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