4 2 Safe Healthy Legal Ethical Use

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2 Safe, Healthy, Legal & Ethical Use

Candidates model and facilitate the safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital
information and technologies. (PSC 4.2/ISTE 5b)
Artifact: Copyright Presentation
The artifact I will be using is the copyright presentation completed in ITEC 7445.
The goal of this assignment was to create an educational presentation to inform
students of legal and ethical uses of digital information and technologies. Below is
the reflection on how I completed this artifact.
The copyright presentation was developed for me to model and facilitate how to
use digital information in a safe, healthy, legal and ethical usage. It was
necessary because of the increase in the amount of technology I was using in my
classroom. At the beginning of the semester, I showed the presentation to each of
my classes on the first day. It was a great tool to establish to the students
technology was going to be used in my classroom and we were going to use it
correctly. When a question came up from the students if they were using something
appropriately I had them refer back to the presentation. This showed them how to
find the answer by themselves instead of asking me. Second, this presentation
opened a dialogue on internet safety. I was able to discuss with them the
importance of never using their real name but using a pseudonym. Never give out
personal information, especially where they lived. This discussion was very
productive and necessary because of the time we spent on the internet in my
classroom. Finally, I was able to discuss with them the impact their digital footprint
can have on their future. Snap chat, Twitter and Facebook was just a few apps we
discussed and how their actions could have a huge negative impact on their life and
someone elses. I believe it is important for teachers to have these discussion with
their students. The more access the students have to the web in our classes the
more responsibility we need to take in protecting them.
From completing this artifact, I learned how important it was in presenting
information to my students on digital etiquettes. Teaching academic integrity to
students is a teachers responsibility and something that is very important to
education. If I were to change something about this artifact, I would had the
students do the research and present on copyright and fair use instead me
designing the presentation.
The work that went into creating this artifact affected student learning. The ground
rules were established for them and they knew the expectations for the use of the
internet in my class. Some students even thanked me for the presentation.

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