Teachers Guide To Mtss

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Teachers Guide to MTSS in EdInsight

Viewing MTSS Students

From the dashboard, select the Student List drop menu, select System Subgroup: MTSS Tiered to view
the students assigned to you that are tiered.

Student Details
Once a student has been tiered, the Student Detail screen will include MTSS information. Click on a
student ID number anywhere in EdInsight to view a students MTSS details.
Click on MTSS on the left side of the student detail screen to view tier details, tiering history,
interventions, and meeting notes.

EdInsight Instructions MTSS for Teachers

SCPS Fall 2013 (Rev 10/17/2013)

MTSS Tiering History

MTSS Intervention Summary (Including Tracking Interventions)

Click on the magnifying glass

icon to view a students
intervention details or the
tracking form.
Click on the pencil icon to
edit tracking form.
Interventions Details:

EdInsight Instructions MTSS for Teachers

SCPS Fall 2013 (Rev 10/17/2013)

Intervention Tracking Form

Click the
a data

Click Add new record to

enter a new data point.

Enter Student

EdInsight Instructions MTSS for Teachers

Enter Goal
Can be a number or range
of numbers (i.e. 80-90)

Enter Group
(if available)

SCPS Fall 2013 (Rev 10/17/2013)

Click Show me the Graph to see graph of data points entered.

Click the Save & Continue button to save and continue adding/editing intervention-tracking details.
Click the Save & Close button when you done adding/editing intervention-tracking details.
Click the Print to PDF button to print intervention-tracking details, including graph.

MTSS Meeting Notes

Any meetings that have been held for a student will be listed under the MTSS Meeting Notes. You can
view meeting notes by clicking the View Meeting Summary button.

Meeting Types
Team Review Meeting: When interventions currently exist for a student, Team Review Meeting notes
are used to document students response to intervention and team decision regarding future inventions.
Please note: Only a students MTSS facilitator or an MTSS team member can create Team Review
Meeting notes in EdInsight.
Pre-Tier Meeting: When no interventions currently exist for a student, Pre-Tier Meeting notes are used
when deciding whether to tier a student or not. Pre-Tier Meeting notes can also be used as a way to
refer a student to your schools MTSS team. Please check with your school on specific procedures for
referring a student to the MTSS team.

EdInsight Instructions MTSS for Teachers

SCPS Fall 2013 (Rev 10/17/2013)

Click Hold a Meeting button to generate Pre-Tier Meeting notes.

Pre-Tier Meeting Notes Form

Enter Attendees

Select parent and

student attendance
from drop down

Select # of
years of
data to
include in

Date and Time fields
auto populate. Click to
change date or time.

Enter any additional

notes here.

Please note: Once notes are submitted, they cannot be deleted.

Click the Save & Continue button to save and continue editing meeting notes. If you close the meeting
notes pop-up window, your work will be saved and you can continue editing later.
Click the Save & Submit button when you are ready to commit notes to students meeting notes history.
Click the Close & Discard button to delete notes prior to submitting. Please note: this option is not
available once meeting notes have been submitted.

EdInsight Instructions MTSS for Teachers

SCPS Fall 2013 (Rev 10/17/2013)

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