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ID: 03725218
DATE: 1ST, APRIL, 2016.


This journal entry describes my reflections on one of the primary cornerstones on which
my educational transition was constructed. This reflection is important to me since my tutor was
the captain that charted my developmental journey as an educator. Dr. Kalloo charted the course
and I followed, and her teachings, actions and words of encouragement made this experience a
fulfilling one.
By reflecting on my tutor I also reflect on what it means for me to be a tutor and a role
model to my students. I must be knowledgeable, I must be considerate and at all times I must
work with my students best interest first and foremost. I must be patient and address the needs
of all my students individually. Lastly, I must set an example to ensure my students fulfil their
fullest potential on their own educational journeys.
Its only as I reflect on how much my tutor has aided in my development, have I realized
how important a teacher is to a student as a role model. This has enabled me to renew my
educational philosophy as I have learnt from experience, that a teacher is indeed the primary
brick-layer in building the minds of the students that they teach.
I am glad I was able to model these positive qualities thank you for your observations. Even
more important, they made you reflect on self.

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