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4Name: Courtney Riley

Date: 2/11/16

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan

Content Area: Science
WIDA ELP Standard(s): English Language Development Standard 4
Standard: 1. Physical Science
Grade Level Expectation: First Grade
Evidence Outcomes: Classify solids and liquids based on their properties, and justify
your choice based on evidence (DOK 1-3)
Topic/Focus: Solids, Liquids, and Gasses
ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only; they are NOT
expected to talk. They show what they know through gestures.)
Objectives: After a lesson on solids, liquids, and gas, student will be able to physically
respond to 3 vocabulary words and 3 commands.
Target Vocabulary:

Vocabulary words

Materials AND Realia Needed: (What pictures AND realia items do you need to teach
each word and command?)
Picture flashcards of the commands blow, pour, and touch; solid, liquid, gas,
Realia: rock, water, balloon
Anticipatory Set: (What will you do to get them excited about the activity? Will you
sing or use a puppet or show pictures or show objects?)
Teacher will blow up a balloon (and then let the balloon go to spin around the room) and
show picture flashcard of gas.

Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration: (Look at my example and outline step-by

step what you will say and do to teach them the words and commands.)
Include how you will remove support (for scaffolding) as they acquire the
First the teacher will blow up the balloon and then let it go saying the word gas,
and then hold up the flashcard for gas. (Repeating the word gas several times
while showing the motion)
The teacher will pick up the water and say liquid (showing the motion and
repeating the word liquid)
The teacher will then pick up the rock and say solid (showing motion and
repeating the word solid)
o -Lift command cards The teacher will hold up the picture flashcards for the three commands and vocab
words while encouraging the class to participate and act out the motions.
Have students close eyes and do the motions as the teacher says the commands
and vocab words. Now close your eyes and lets all do the motions!
o pass out paper The teacher will pass out paper and have students draw and label either a solid
liquid or gas
One they are done with their drawing students will one-by-one tape their paper up
on the board according to what category it falls under (solid, liquid, gas).
o pass out worksheet Last, students will complete a quick matching worksheet
Checking for Understanding: (What will you watch for to make sure they understand?)
Watching and observing students do the motions for the commands and vocab
Having students draw either a solid, liquid, or a gas.
Having students tape up their pictures of a solid, liquid, or gas according to what
category it falls under. (Solid, liquid, or gas).
Matching worksheet
Write down three physical ways students will demonstrate their understanding of
commands and vocabulary being practiced:
1. Drawing a picture
2. Commands and vocab words, responding with motions.
3. Taping their picture on the board according to what category it falls under.
Play a game (or other extension activity): (Describe the game. What are the students
doing? What is the teacher doing?)
Have students do the motions of the commands and vocab words.

Have students draw a picture of either a solid, liquid, or gas and then have them
tape it up on the board according to what category their picture falls under.
(Teacher is walking around the room, checking for understanding)
Evaluation: (How will the teacher know that each child understood the words? What
task will they do? What will the teacher watch for? Where will she write it down? What
will she do if they get some wrong?)
Matching worksheet
o The teacher is looking for the student to match the correct vocab word to
the correct command.
Closure: (How will you finish the lesson and connect it to the main idea?)
Matching worksheet

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