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Maricela Salcido

Period 0
Taking pride of something I have accomplished in my highschool years or even work
years is quite hard for someone like myself. I tend to have kept to myself throughout all four
years of my high school experience. I did not join any clubs or sports, I did however was and am
very much interested in art. I see art as a way for someone to express their feelings towards the
world. Being able to have such talent is a great significance to me because I inherit the talent
from my older brother who has passed away. Taking the time to draw does not only make me feel
happy and gives me a sense of relief but, makes me feel more connected to my loved one.
Being a Chicana myself gives me a whole new outlook in life. I researched on how much
the Mexican-American/ Chicano revolution has progress throughout the years. I see how
discrimination against us has been perishing away slowly, and especially I see how there are
many more opportunities for young people like myself. Being able not to draw but actually
showcase one of my greatest piece of all time was a great experience I would never forget. It
isnt everyday that someone can say, I did this and proud of it. I am proud of who I am as a
person and what I have accomplished in life. I am also very much pleased to say that I have not
only been able to create an image but, also make others aware of such culture does exist and
deliver any onlooker with brief descriptions of what is a chicano/a.

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