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Camille Flynn

Honors English 9
15 November 2015

To Kill A Mockingbird

Study Questions for Chapters 16-18

Chapter 16
1. What subtle change does Scout notice in her father?
Scout noticed that her father was starting to talk back to Aunt Alexandra, and not letting her rule
the house on her opinions. Instead, he subtly opposed her and gained control again. Scout noticed
that when Aunt Alexandra would say something rude, Atticus would respond with ...a faint
starchiness in his voice (Lee 209) but ...never outright irritation. (Lee 209).
2. What sort of person is Dolphus Raymond?
Dolphus Raymond was an interesting man, by Maycomb standards. He did not like to spend time
with Caucasian people, instead, he spent time with the African-American townsfolk. Jem
explained it as, He likes em bettern he likes us, I reckon. Lives by himself way down near the
country line. Hes got a colored woman and all sorts of mixed chillun. (Lee 214). Dolphus
Raymond marched to the beat of his own drum.
3. How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he right to
Reverend Sykes helped the children see and hear the trial by offering them seats in the balcony.
In my opinion, this was nice of him to do, but four people had to give up their seats in order to
accommodate them. I dont think that is right. (Page 219)

4. Comment on Judge Taylor's attitude to his job. Does he take the trial seriously or
Judge Taylor ran his court with ...alarming informality- he sometimes propped his feet up, he
often cleaned his fingernails with a pocket knife. In long equity hearings, especially after dinner,
he gave the impression of dozing (Lee 220). This gave everyone else in the court the
impression that Judge Taylor did not care about what took place in his court. However,
reality he kept a firm grip on any proceedings that came before him. (Lee 220). He took his
trials very seriously, including the one about Tom Robinson.
Chapter 17
1. What are the main points in Heck Tate's evidence? What does Atticus show in his
cross-examination of Sheriff Tate?
The main points in Heck Tates evidence were that when he was sent to see Mayella, she was
...pretty well beat up (Lee 223) and ...lying on the floor in the middle of the front
room (Lee 223). He also mentioned that Mayella identified Tom Robinson as the man
who raped her. During Atticuss cross-examination, Atticus showed that a doctor did not
examine Mayella, and Mayella was beat up on the the right side of her face.
2. What do we learn indirectly of the home life of the Ewell family in this chapter?
In this chapter, we learn from Mr. Ewell that his family consisted of many children, yet no
mother. We also learn that the Ewells are very poor, and Mr. Ewell talked in phrases and words
that made sense to him. The Ewells didnt have a very nice living enviornment, as they ...lived
behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin. (Lee 227)
3. What do you learn from Bob Ewell's evidence?

From Bob Ewells evidence, I learned that Bob Ewell saw Tom Robinson in the same room as
his daughter, and that Mr. Ewell was left-handed, which would make it very easy for him to hit
the right side of his daughters face. (Page 237)
4. Why does Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write out his name? What does the jury see
when he does this?
Atticus asked Bob Ewell to write out his name in order to apparently check if he was literate or
not, but his true intention was revealed when Bob Ewell wrote his name with his left hand. This
interesting fact about Bob Ewell showed the jury that ...Mr. Ewell could have beaten up
Mayella. (Lee 238)
Chapter 18
1. Is Mayella like her father or different from him? In what ways?
Mayella is like her father in the way that she isnt afraid to say what she wants. During crossexamination, she said to Atticus, I got somethin to say an then I aint gonna say no more. That
nigger yonder took advantage of me an if you fine fancy gentlemen dont wanta do nothin about
it then youre all stinkin cowards, stinkin cowards, the lot of you. (Lee 251). She is different
from her father in the way that she gets very emotional. She cried many times during court, while
her father did not let anything make him timid or tearful.
2. What might be the reason for Mayella's crying in the court?
Mayella might have cried during court because she was afraid of what was going to happen in
court. She was afraid she was going to say the wrong thing, or make herself appear like a liar in
front of the jury. She was afraid that Tom Robinson would not be convicted as a rapist.
3. How does Mayella react to Atticus's politeness? Is she used to people being

Mayella reacted to Atticuss politeness by saying, Wont answer a word you say as long as you
keep on mockin me. (Lee 243). She thought that Atticus was sassing her, because he called
her maam and Miss Mayella. She was not used to people being polite to her, as she was a
Ewell, and Ewells did not have respect in Maycomb. Also, at home she was not treated very well
by her father, and he certainly did not call her maam or Miss Mayella.
4. How well does Mr. Gilmer prove Tom's guilt in the eyes of the reader (you) and in
the eyes of the jury? Can you suggest why these might be different?
In my eyes, Mr. Gilner does not prove Toms guilt very well. I already know that Tom was
sentenced thirty days in jail because he couldnt pay the fine for a misdemeanor, even though Mr.
Gilner tried to make his time in jail look like a very serious event. I already know that Tom is
crippled, which would have made it very hard for him to rape Mayella. In my opinion, Mr.
Gilner also did not prove his guilt in the rape of Mayella. However, in the eyes of the jury, Mr.
Gilner could have proved him guilty. Some of the jurors could have been biased against Tom
Robinson in the first place, and when they heard that Tom Robinson was a capable man, who
never received payment for his services he provided for Mayella, they possibly could have
thought he was guilty of the rape.

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