5 Poemannotationsparagraphs

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<6 e TEE S¢6 Q +£0Q it is at moments after i have fbr | ed ron me | its at moments after | have dreamed of the rare entertainment of your eyes, — when (being fool to fancy) i have deemed © 0.) | 0! Allie ratio r became with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise; at moments when the glassy darkness holds ghos the genuine apparition of your smile os ere (it was through tears always)and silence moulds) © (0) such strangeness as was mine a littie while; ‘ cespockeM/admiced moments when my once moreiiugtiousiarins are filled with fascination, when my breast e101: wears the intolerant brightness of your charms: ONE vooment Stood ouk (V1 OF Sie jerked toners bauedechanencitsste! VY OF turning from the tremendous lie of sleep | watch the roses of the day grow deep. . —etale < by Edward Estlin (E £) Cummings: ‘The author is talking about how he has dreamed of someone, and became a fool because of it. The person's ‘mouth made the author grow wiser. During the moments of glassy darkness where the person smiled, through tears, there was a strange silence. The author's arms used to be respected by this person, and he would be fascinated, He would also wear the person's charms on his breast. However, he remembers a moment that stands out from the others: when he coulda' sleep, so he watched the roses of the day grow deep. Te author appears to regret his dreams of the other person. He considers himself a "fool to fancy", someone who is oblivious and doesn't realize what love ean do to them. He also speaks of this other person having. a "genuine apparition” of their smile. This could mean that the other person's smile is ghostly or not real. The i author recalls how his "arms" used to be respected by this other person, and how he used to be fascinated by this person. However, the author remembers, better than anything else, how he lost sleep thinking ofthe “roses of the day” In this poem, arose could be the highlight ofthe day, or the emotions of love from the day. The roses could "grow deep" by getting bigger, or more problematic. But arose also has thorns, which is why the author might have lost sleep over them, After reading this poem, I think thatthe author is regretful and sad. He regrets being made a fool, and losing sleep over the "roses ofthe day”. I think that the author accurately portrayed an unhealthy relationship, where one partner has a ghostly smile, when the time spent together is dark, and where everything is silent and. strange. I particularly enjoyed how the author enhanced the sadness ofthe relationship by including the phrase, “it was through tears always". However, I didnt enjoy the last line, "i watch the roses of the day grow deep", because the author doesn't include any explantation about the roses or how they grow deep. iPad = 9:59PM rex <6 E TY Seto 0 +280 aman who. had fallen among thieves UleSiae Person wnvonecing mk smiling ‘a: man who had fallen rong Samwe Fimina lay by the roadside on his back dressed in fifteenthrate ideas ‘wearing a round jeer for a hat fate per a somewhat more than less ‘emancipated evening» 0% had in return for consciousness) ‘endowed him with a changeless grin hereon a dozen staunch and Meal citizens did graze at pause then fired by hypercivic zeal at cme ‘swaddled with affrozen brook 66) >) of pinkest vomit out of eyes Cor S which noticed nobody he looked aa 1\ asifhe did not care torise be (¢ che tinned tothing 09 theta ‘te wideling frend clenched weakly dit r while the mute trouser confessed button solemnly inert. Ng Brushing from whom the stiffened puke ‘put him all intormy arms {and staggered banged with terror through ‘million billion:tilion stars ‘Arman who has become similar ta ermina les om the toad, due to an illegal evening. He is unconscious, but has a grin on his face. Many citizens bustle around him, bu they areal looking for newer pastures, The man is surrounded by a stream of frozen vomit, and nobody attempts to help him. One of his hands clutches his chest, ‘while the other clutches the ground. The author picks im up and caries him trough an infinite amount of ‘The author is commenting on how the man fell from grace. Afler one night of drinking, he becomes 3 disgusting typeof criminal on the toad. Nobody bothers to help him wake up or recover from his past mistakes. ‘This shows how most people don' care about others, as they ae already looking for "newer pastures", or better places to place themssives. Most people care only about themselves. But the author tries to help peop, ‘specially those that cannot help themselves is very conceming how most people wort help another person in need, But Iam glad that E.E. Cummings a realized how important it isto work and interact with oer people. He portays th itizens inthe poem as ‘ous and deiven, whi bad thing, but it ean also ereate selfish behavior. ¥ appreciate how F. E. Cummings describes how disgusting the man loks, so the audience know to not make that mistake. But | v ‘think that EE. Cummings made the right decision o help the drunk man, because everyone makes mistakes iPad = 9:59PM rex <6 TOLSto 0% +280 Love is more thicker than forget Love is more thicker than'forget (7° *trge or Wa Ferson more thinner than recall) werd, to FNAL DE! more seldom than a wave is wet more frequent than:to fall) |>\_\-; Wsa It’s most mad and moonly , personificn andlessitshallunbe =) than all the sea which only is deeper than the sea Love is more always than'towin Lov) 05> less never than alive less bigger than the least begin less litter than forgive It's most sane and sunly and more it cannot die (2 = than all the sky which only is higher than the sky by Edward Estlin (E E) Cummings _ Love is hard to forge, hard to remember, ean be rare, but i still frequent It is insane, and can be a love deeper than the sea. Love is always going to win; its alive; smaller than some; and is a smaller litter than forgiveness. It can also be Sane and bright, but most importantly, can be higher than the sky. E, E, Cummings appreciates the magnificence of love. He recognizes how love can be a confusing and ‘mysterious thing, and when i's over, it can be bard to forget, but also hard to remember the specific details. ‘Some love seems insane, but itis stil real and deep. Other love seems perfectly normal, but it might be a stronger love than ever before. ‘This poem tries to explain the significance of love, and how all love is real. I like how E. E. Cummings recognizes that even if a relationship seems crazy, itis still meaningful and powerful, However, some of EE, ‘Cummings’ lines are very confusing and hard to interpret, such as the last two lines of the poem. What is “than all the sky which only is higher than the sky"? Humanity i love vou Fivs+ Po(Cm iPad = 10:04 Pm TEE Séts 29 Humanity i love you Fivst Alsen aid] E Humantytoveyon ne Suit 20) because you would rather black the boots of success than enquire whose soul dangles from his 44 water-chain whieh would be embarrasing for Both parties and because you unflinchingly applaud all songs containing the words country home and ‘mother when sung atthe olé howard Humanity ove you because when you're hard/up you pawn your intligence to buy a drink and when you're Mush pride keeps you from the pawn shops and Because you are continually committing nuisances but more, ( especialy in your own House i Humanity blove you because you - are perpetually putting the secret of ||) life in your pants and forgetting It’s there and sitting down on it and because you are forever making poems inthe lap of death Humanity hate you j le ‘The author eves humanity because numanty woul rather blacker the Boots ofsuceestuly people than gue out which people dangle fem thelr watch-chans. Humanity chershes songs about the ‘County. Huranty ao sass nteligence whan ts Broke in oder o get crunk. Ara when huranty’s pe sometimes gets inthe way ofthe irs shops unset sil commit cas, especialy ints oun home. Humanty contrualy Puts precious secrets is pants and sts on them. The author hes human Oscauss humanity makes pose nthe po ath “Tho authori vor sarcast inthis poor by saying that he loves hua and thon ing allo he reasons why human ita, Humanity ls very lous and rnge down oer success people Humanity aio i proud of teal, when wry singe 30 many songs abou the county ae homeland howe sway sntsigence by geting drunk when t's depressed byt nancial uation, but sometimos ti toe proud to salts things in erdor to make monoy. But evan bought hurnanty sprout oll comnts cemes ven in is own home. An Puan can bella butt eeregar is intoligence by destroying ts krowledgo unitartionaly The athe shes the oom by docarng that Rats haan. uot ho proveus rasons. In hala stanza. ho author ‘mertoned tht humanity makes poems nthe fp of deat. This could mesh that numer aughs at dath or wits about the things that happens around tam, acting Ike scholars. But oven if hurnanty toss rarcest to analyze ts suroundng, larger fore, suchas death, cons the Sota and wil no et et be snayzed Te ators aughing at human ands very sph this spar of humanity ‘This poom made me resize how many mistakes tht humanity makes cy We dont recognize our fase vr ofton, sot was eye-opening fo soe Row we cerogara ou naligance. liga ft anc tink vary pera fo cherish ©. Comming fe very vate cfs suoundings Sh how humanity nea whole rset fs surroundings — +240 iPad = 10:00PM rex <6 5 Te esé#6 0% +280 somewhere cnernimeroarimaciguon nes ELSE (f cy opemanpan agence aea Urs: Se RE ig cach sce 2S eemeteenaae ens sean ‘your slightest look easily will unclose me Soneecieare sees you open alweys petal by petal myself 2s Springiopens | {Gouching skattly mysterious herrstrose™ ‘or if your wish be to cose me,\ and iy life wil shut very Beautulysuadeny, so soyyfeator) oF {3s when the heartof this flower imagines) the snow carefully everywhere descending! nothing which we are to perceive in this word equals the power of your intense fragity: whose texture >). ari 6 ‘compels me withthe colour of te sth and forever with each breathing (4.40 ot know what is aout you that closes ‘and epenszonly something in me understands — oc ‘the vole of your eyes is deeper than all roses) nobody.net even the ain, nas such (pucontiiario” or ran by Edward Estlin (EE) Cummings ‘Semcon’ files kes th autor plc shat hey have never veld to before The autor amt ‘outsell gestures. even tog they eos um, Soc set ook wll welsh. salar ‘he way and can pick ibe petal os lower Ifsoncone wats clos th author, the sar ie wil sh, ‘Slur the way flower tnagites low fling. Noting inthe wold eal toe egy ofthis penn, ‘iss intense. Tho author does know why thi oso can cose and open in, but be understands tat the ‘oie fer eyes i dep tan he ross and hes salads han he i Theatr in ve wth someone. This pron the ane, oF who the oom was ined ob ea by. ‘Thispoton takes the ate lace and even though hs eon I weak ad al bs has 1 omer oe that This pean can open an och uta which cis ht he eso can make he [itor open pan expres scl or it down an rare oe. Te ators eel in ve with i ‘eon, tebe fh nth in he nds on fe sme lve! er ower apy He ves er api, whichis why tha suck profound ef on hi, The bo doa understand hy he loves Be 0 teh bu he emai hat ar ees havea ois hat i Woeer han al eT rons wee meson in EE Cummings ther pm at manos fer hoe dreamed, a hey appear symbol low ‘rong emotion Ths pan hat EE Curmings is inave with very ut nd rapt er ees a ‘Sor Her eyes a ory hats mre mesringi report. tan ove. Thi seca he storie love wher andthe a being ove sng un jst be eaing dmb ove ‘Thispoem hasa ston sentimental messoge. The uo as alle fo someone that s much weaker than be sshich approve of on toe tht ja hace someone ong or ae than anther pron they st ‘more orl Bras ean onguer rt, an often does FE Caring dv at Bere in ths ow and dost sem wo undtsand why he is being Sb by somecne weaker than in. Buin the end of a ‘ep, be eins tht he yes ell powerful story tates very lined Tse to My favorite par of Ins poo wath ery tne, “nobodnt eve the mi as sch smal and” Pec shows How ‘siete peraon aia dop renal an sce, al hak a bona analogy between the ands ofthe gi an the is v

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