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GSMC 2014

Global Summit on
Management Cases


The case study looks at the Delhi-based PGDM Institution Jagan Institute of Management
Studies (JIMS) successful run of two decades and discusses some of the past, present and future
challenges in light of its product and brand strategy. JIMS entered the business of professional
higher education in 1993 with a modest campus in a residential locality with an objective of
imparting quality education in the field of IT and Management. JIMS has been constantly
ranked among top 10 B-Schools of excellence in Delhi and among top 20 in India according to
popular B-School surveys. JIMS has developed structures, patterns and systems based on both,
corporate expectations and students aspirations. Quality of student enrolment is in tandem
with the placement, owing to the managements relentless efforts in building the institutions
brand name.
The case study is an in-depth analysis of product and brand strategy of developing capability,
delivering quality and practising adaptability. The case study highlights some of the distinctive
practices like employability gap analysis, student competency mapping, in-house mentoring
and corporate mentorship program that give a competitive advantage to the institution. Personal
interviews with the Director and the Chairman bespeak the concerns, issues and obstacles dealt
with. Strategic models with respect to the practices have been incorporated in the case to give
a comprehensive picture to the reader.
With many MBA/ PGDM institutions venturing into and many others venturing out in this
turbulent environment, JIMS continues to stand tall and upright. Some of the important
issues that emanate from the current market situation which seek contemplation are addressed
in the case. The case study can be appreciated for the detailing, insights, strategies and challenges
at hand. It will be of great relevance to educational entrepreneurs, academicians, corporates,
marketers and students. The case discussion can bring to the fore front some key learning for
making a successful and a sustainable institutional brand.

* GSMC 2014, IIM Raipur

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