Who Is Right Here?

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The caselet is built around communication breakdown within/outside organization, across
hierarchy and its possible consequences. Communication per say can be formal or informal,
written or oral, verbal or non-verbal and can be upward, downward or across hierarchy. The
caselet deals with oral and written communication from top to down and vice versa but
across organizations/department (not directly reporting to the sender). The caselet intends to
inculcate among student managers the importance of both verbal and written communication
particularly from subordinate to superior to whom he is not directly reporting. The case
unfolds Amits journey, from being a promising student to a troublemaker only because he
protested and used a particular term in his written communication. At a higher level, issues
of organizational culture also come into picture, which is the root cause of conflict and
further breakdown in communication. Dr Shukla the B-school Director was worried about
future consequences the impact such an incident would have on Amit and other students,
on admissions for next year and the reputation of the nascent B-school. Dr Shukla was caught
between devil and deep sea.

Pedagogical Objectives

To understand the importance of written communication the importance of written


To understand the concept of effective communication, barriers to effective communication,

inter-organizational conflicts and the win-lose matrix in conflict resolution

To appreciate and understand organization culture and clashes of two cultures

Case Positioning and Setting

The caselet is best suited in both introductory level Human Resource Management,
Organizational Behavior and in Business Communication.
Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur

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