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BTS(C)— VI -11- 012-L B. Tech Degree VI Semester Examination April 2011 EC 602 MICROWAVE TECHNIQUES AND DEVICES (2006 Scheme) Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 PART A (Answer ALL questions) (8x5 =40) T. (a) What are microwaves? Why are they called so? (0) Explain why TEM mode of propagation does not exist in rectangular wave guide. (©) Explain the concept of scattering parameters. (d)_ What is a magic Tee? Explain. (©) Explain the principle of operation circulator. (£) What are the applications varactor diodes? (g) What do you meant by velocity modulation? Explain. (h) What is VSWR? What is the relation between reflection coefficient and VSWR? PART B (4x15 =60) Tl (a) _Explain the concept of S-matrix. Explain its properties. (0) (b) Distinguish between E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee. 6) OR II. (a) What is a directional coupler? Derive the S-matrix of a two-hole directional coupler. (10) (b) What are waveguide bends and twists? 6) IV. (a)_ Explain TE modes in rectangular wave guide in detail, (10) (b) What are dominant mode and degenerate mode? Explain. ©) OR V. (@)_ Distinguish between phase velocity and group velocity. ©) () Explain the principle of operation of cavity resonators, Derive an expression for the Q of the cavity resonator. (10) VI. (a)_ Explain the working of tunnel diodes with the help of energy-band diagrams. (10) () Explain the structure of IMPATT diode. (6) OR vil. Explain the principle of operation of Gunn diode with the help of two-valley theory. (as) VII. (a) Explain the principle of operation of Reflex Klystron with the help of Applegate diagram. (10) (b) What are the applications of Reflex Klystron? 6) OR IX. (a) Explain the working of a TWT amplifier. (0) (b) How can we measure microwave frequency and wavelength? (3)

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