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Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Financé Coithittission'sion 200 igmontAvenueSE | Suite 1402, West Tower |Alanta, Georgia 30234 | 404-463-1900] wpe GQ PY. COMPLAINT FORM ene Date ation ofthe Georgls Government Transparency and Campaign F JURISDICTION: Tis ofce has juadcton ONLY in matters invelvingfinuncial disclosure campaign Gnance_ond lobbyist ‘i GA S454 sador dala aw a ulined nthe Campegn Finance Act in OCGA. Tie 21-5 et eg SRIOCGA $3516 covering sate vendor dsloure aw Peace ensure hat your complain swith the Commision’ jurisdiction Mai or hand delivery original signed/notartzed form and attachments to above address. T, PERSON BRINGING COMPLAINT = COMPLAINANT: ohn STORBETS ‘Name: Address [281 Flppen Trai “cigs [Peachtree Comers [states [OA | Coumiys [Gwinnett [pe [SOO “Telephone: z E-mail pone PARTY AGAINST WHOM COMPLAINT IS BROUGHT = RESPONDENT? lames. Lowe Darton CHC Peachtree Corners [Saar [OA | Couniy: [Gwinnett [7p [80082 ~Teepones [AOE TE LESS Title of office eld or sought: [State House Representative - District 95 Til. STATEMENT OF FACT iach a fhe Rape pon OTR Va ORG Dd aS oF A EORTION i Eas CTS DET HO ten ne eat rman Popa ou np Fm fe URSOCTION te, err at nde ‘aru aaron wy bbc have owe of th fs nd aah ar decane ha apo The os ‘iipedn ss compiie, Pascoe #21 3:28 epantng tam fo ee Say hens, a pan hel coach foe Stake Joe Baek TREE pote Ginencse pAiselasoa sepa t anata alow i clays ae gual Bein cl abyela xo 1S ole shilows toy toe’ ys ie waloben uf OCA. Gal = sto, Ti bse practice Gaya ent Zann enngtls naka tgs hey ae Gacegh oa. bs Ay te, Ley a De Pwtelte ly a Tiss Se 1 the wdersigned Complainant, being duly swom, depose (fim) and say thatthe information in hs Complaint is ue seen estoy knowles an te : SHOR S 0% Sams sv0r wand subsites bere ne SIGNATURE AND STATEMENT OF COMPLAINANT:

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