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team, d= o5mm, P= 7800 ty/mé, %, @) Oe L(t) mAfecs Mew FF 2 TE ~ EN TG vey ort = © Ga) bes P= 124,800 N (8) w= 5 (am) vad fee = BE = Ee ies Pp ben ncety = (As SE + Bam SE) (Carat + Pe ot) au ot 2) Co ot wt + D Hy St) ! : Bee auctty-o > 2A EE tuts D + wt) wa o co x AE t)= F cos UX nme pam MEE siti wei De a SES ae t i whee gob Po mca cot TE and (a) Axial vibration: mI, s- szaass of rod = “end agg _ I Using’? = 78.5 EN int for steel, we Bind rep _m| 5 | 5 (10°) | _ my = 2866 = Fle BO) = 15.8117 ks a = 0.1531 = From Table 81, the value of for # = 0.1551 (using linear interpolation between vakues.of 2 = 0.1 and (= 1,0) is 4, = 0.6099 (0.1531) + 0.2503 = 0.3437 — He OL 0.3437 V 107 (10°) (9.81) _ on ane. a ee OS rad see (b) Torsional vibration: In this onse, we use the result of Example 8.8. where J — polar moment of inertia of the shaft: x I-pe = gy (0.0) = 2544 ( (10-*) m4 = 7s00/0.81 ke /m? ; é=im les ay 78500 = = (2.4544 (10) Sar (1) = 1.9140 (10~*) kg—m? 1.9140 ce ) 10 Since ff is close to zero, we have from Example 8.6, a5 VEn“V/ “/ ae ao) (oss) = 14.0126 rad/see B= é 1.9140 (10-*) Boundary conditions ores At ceo, fixed end > WO)=0 (Ft) + se 6 site Atxel, freeend > IY (2) = 0--- (Es) » Bureyee --- (x) The deflection (normal) function is given by W(X) = CO ohBx+ C din Axe Cy caper Cy sinh Ox (&) $rom which AW (eye [61 tm pet Co APRA Cs Anh ont Cy opr] (€) Ees- (8)) omt (EP) give C+ Cs e0 (e) Bex. (Er) ml (5) eek @ (lat C4) =0 (€) use ch (E>) ond (Ez) te (€s) feadr to wes ¢, (os pan wh pe) + cy (te pe — Henk BM) ) Use of &- (Es), Eu) end (£9) yields Cy (est 6f + oth ol) + Ca Cee pls mb eM =0 (0) Cy (Ain pl -4ork ph) - Ce Ces pl + et ply = Gu The frequency equation can be obtained by setting the coefficient matrix im (Eig) and (8) ts zero od cos pl + cok ph sapheachel | (a) ten — inh ph weaspl — cath al Upon simplification, Gy. (Bia) yields the freguency epuation ont pl. uthpl = 1 (es) Fiest four vaots of (Em) ore given by fila 875104, Pal= genom, Bek = 7.954757, Ayf= 1orFTEEAL wet)= BE (ot) = wikt)= BEL =o; bee We) = Cy (cs 6x4 CHR Bx) + C, (cot Bx oth Bx) + Cy (Hm BRE Kinh Bx) + Cy (Hn BE Anh Bx) LG) = Cpe Be + coth x) + a PC atx cath Bx) Ae Cs AP (- Ain px + sinh Bx) + C, O'( tim pa sinh BX) W@)=0 - ¢-9 EWE) a0 > =o WOR) = 0 + Cy (Am PRA Minh BL) + Cy (Hm ph inh BR) = EW hyn 0m CoE an phe ink ph) — c4 (ae B+ kink pl) =0 --€) Getting tha deltiminant of the cottiicient maliix of C204 Cy tom (GE) ond (Ee) te pero, we get te pugpeny eqpation = (tim pR + Ainh ply? 4 (Aim Bh Hink phy” = 0 o Aim BL Rink PL = 0 Since plmh BR +O) tH pugpeney eppalion become mm pl =e els ati’ [EE we aeyee oh Prhant 5 Os oa pe ee ~€) W(r) = C, Cot BX + Cy AHH Co cath BX + C, tink Bx Bw (gs —c, Bt ate - or PP Ane + Cy A cath px + Cg 8 Ark B* axe LEH = cp Panpx- GP CAPX +O; P? tink pe+G pe cork pe eM )-0 > Cy = Cs === &) Er oe (a) =-fy we) > ex 6? (-C2t%4) + £1 (e102) =0 _ aE cex pt) + co GB) + C,Cetp*) =0 sex = am = = o, Cain ph) + Cs (ooh pl- espl)+ cetera Er 240) +& Wh) > ee ca C expt caret - ty ain af) +6 (Et pt sin plex p? sink pl me cat ph tcoth ph) 4 cy (CF 0? cath pl~ fe anh ph) = 2 Sething te dbDuminart of tte cotfiicientt Cores amd Cy ime (2) (Ex) fe pores ve get the epeney eppation: eatpe- cot pf) cerpres pl | (exp feimpleanbel} | =H ain pl) | er feos al roth pL }) ! 36 ~ ke Boh pl)

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