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Funding Sources
DMC Legisla4on = $585 Million

State Infrastructure Aid plus City Local
Contribu4on = $455 Million
State General Infrastructure Aid - $327 Million
City Local Matching Contribu4ons - $128 Million

DMC Funding Sources

State Transit Aid = $116 Million
State Transit Aid - $70 Million
County Local Matching Contribu4on - $46 Million

State Sales Tax Exemp4ons = $14 Million

DMC City Financial Contribu4ons

City costs through 2015 = $9.8 Million
2016 City Costs (Non 2016 CIP Projects)
Annual DMCC/DMC EDA Budget - $4.2 Million
Chateau Theater - $5.5 Million

TOTAL City Costs shown above = $19.5 Million


DMC City Financial Contribu4ons

General State Infrastructure Aid (State
Received to date - $0
Matching State Credit for City Contribu4ons of
$19.5 million = $49.7 Million

DMC Development Plan Costs

TOTAL Es4mated Infrastructure Capital Costs =
$1.8 Billion over 20 years
Average of $90m / year over 20 years
Includes developer and federal funds

Est. transit/transporta4on/parking (TTP) costs

Parking - $720 Million 16,000 new structured spaces
Circulator - $348 Million (Two phases)
Transit/Streets/City Loop - $112 Million

DMC Development Plan Costs

TPP systems are inter-related
Cannot develop individual systems in isola4on
(Ex) Circulator aects Streets / Bus System / Parking

Est. TPP and other costs exceed available

revenues: priori4za4on/phasing.
Among the largest public infrastructure decisions
in Rochester history.

Study Objec4ves
TTP studies consistent with federal process
were assumed in the Plan.
Follow federal process to access federal funds
Thorough analysis of alterna4ves / modes /
routes / economic impact
Primary objec4ve full understanding/veang
of alterna4ves

Study Objec4ves
Aside from infrastructure:
developing tools to expand and manage parking
as a District-wide system, not site by site
developing programs & incen4ves to encourage
people to shie / u4lize transit and other travel

Conduct the studies expedi4ously, consistent

with these objec4ves.

Transporta4on Event
Scoping & Strategy Session, March 2 & 3
Seven rms invited, along with EDA, Mayo
Focus on 5 Core topics areas
Transporta4on Management
Bike / Pedestrian

Transporta4on Event
Very Successful
Great interac4on / par4cipa4on by all

Summaries / recap under development

Solicit Statement of Qualica4ons (SOQ) for
each of 5 Core Topic Areas
Responses due March 31, 2016

Transporta4on Studies
Responses will be used to select consultants
to conduct studies
Selec4ons Mid / Late April
Scoping, Budge4ng, Contrac4ng

DMC Development Plan

Good founda4on, star4ng Point

What will Studies Accomplish?

Conrm / rene the high level vision iden4ed
in DMC Development Plan
Opera4onal Assessments
Engineering Assessments
Financial Assessments
Project Level Public Engagement
Environmental Assessments
Organiza4onal Issues (roles/responsibili4es)

Major Decisions

Circulator Modes & Routes

Parking loca4ons
Downtown Street Opera4ons
Reshaping of approach to how downtown
Parking is supplied

Evolu4on of Transit System

Downtown Regional & Local Bus Facili?es / Downtown Mobility Services /
Possible Role of Shared Mobility Services

Formal Lemer of
Applica4on to
USDOT Secretary
for acceptance into
FTA Program

Rene Project
Complete NEPA
Prelim Engineering
Rene Costs
Finalize /
Commitment for
Funding Plan

2-4 Years

Establish Direc4ons
and Narrow Op4ons
Amend LPA into
MPO Fiscally
Constrained Plan


Max 2 Years

Renement &

1 Year

1-2 Years

Federal Process
Final Engineering
Finalize FTA
Funding Agreement
Right of Way


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