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Class: Physics

Essential Standard: Optics- The student will be able to apply the laws of
reflection, refraction, and diffraction to describe how images are formed and
light waves are manipulated

4.0 In-depth Applications

I have an in-depth understanding of the expected
knowledge and skills and can show my expertise by using it
to problem solve and think critically, such as:
Investigate how light interactions with matter are vital to the
function of various phenomena/tools
Present information and solutions to problems involving
reflection, refraction, and polarization

3.0 Expected Knowledge and Skills

I can
Draw and apply ray diagrams
Calculate magnification
Calculate distance of object from image
Calculate index of refraction
Calculate critical angle

2.0 Foundational Knowledge and Skills

I can
Calculate frequency and wavelength
Differentiate between reflection, refraction, and diffraction
Differentiate between convex, concave, and parabolic mirrors
Differentiate between converging and diverging lens
Describe polarization

I know I can

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