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Directions: Use the links in boxes 1 and 2 for those

specific boxes. However, for the boxes that follow, use

one of the career explorations sites.
Job Quiz Aptitude
Job quiz link

Forensics (crime scene investigator)


Goal setting: What are

your goals for your

In one year from now I want to have my diploma and have a

stable job while I attend the JC for general ed. I want to transfer
to a csu maybe a uc if I can and get my masters in forensics.
Then I plan on joining the Air Force but participating in ROTC
while in college. TO achieve this I need to stay focused on God
and school.

Goal setting link

Provide a brief
description of the job.
Include the
nature of the work,
environment, the duties
responsibilities, average
work week, etc
Career exploration site 1
Career exploration site 2
Career exploration site 3

analyze crime scenes determining what evidence should be

collected, take photographs and make sketches of the scene,
record observations and findings, such as the location and
position of evidence
morning noon or night sometimes overtime due to collecting and
analyzing crime scenes and data

Describe key skills,

abilities, and personality
traits important for this

skills and abilities: communication skills, composure, critical

thinking, detail oriented, math & science skills, problem solving
Personality traits:

What is the average or

median salary
range for this career
both nationally and

low- 19.61
median- 38.40
high 61.25

What is the outlook for

the future of this career?
Does research show
growth or decline in

competition is strong bachelor's in both natural science and

masters in forensic science have best opportunities

low- 33.95
median- 47.97
high- 63.04

Describe the education

and training
required for this position.
Are there
any licenses or
certifications required?

masters and bachelors degrees

What is your overall

impression of this

Pros: good pay

very interesting
Cons:have to be good at math

After learning more

about this career, are
you still
interested? Would this
career fit with the
lifestyle you want? Does
it match your interests,
personality, skills and
work values?
List two occupations that
are similar that you may
be interested in

still interested
not interested)
This career is a good match for me because: I like science and
being out so investigating crime scenes would be super intriguing
to me .

similar careers: inspectors and investigators
2.police and detectives

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