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UMU Lesson Plan Template


Name: Halle Ezell

Grade Level: Third
Subject: Mathematics
Big Idea/Lesson Focus:
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
Introduce New Skill or Content

Class Period: 11:15-12:20
Lesson # & Title: #1 Fractions

Context for Learning: There are twenty five students in the class. Eleven of them are girls and fourteen of them are boys.
There are two IEP students (Justin and Andrew), two gifted students (Savanna and Juliana) and one with severe behavior
problems (Kayden). Three students are African American, one is Hispanic while the rest are White.
Content Standards: 3.NF.A.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is portioned into b
equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Theme Develop understanding of fractions as numbers
Strand Numbers and Operations
Topic - Fractions
Learning Objectives (aligned to assessment plan):
-Students will be able to understand the meaning and purpose of a fraction.
-Students will be able to identify through the use of pictures, how much the fraction equals.
Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives):
Assessment Plan (aligned to learning objectives)
Formative Assessment: Guided notes. Thumbs up or thumbs down to see how many students feel comfortable with
this so far. ABCD cards for slide 6 to see if they know what the fraction is according to the picture.
Summative Assessment: At the end of the lesson, I will have the students draw their own picture on a notecard and
have a fraction that goes with it. E.g. - draw a cake; shade in 4/8 slices and write on other side of notecard 4/8.
Procedures: Lesson Introduction
*5 minutes*
I will start the lesson by handing out the guided notes for this lesson pass the papers out once their desks are completely
cleared, except for a pencil. I will then explain to the students that today we will be working on fractions. Ask the students
Who thinks they know what a fraction is? Has anyone seen a fraction? Does anyone know what they are used for? I will
tell them its okay if they dont know because today we are going to learn about fractions and after today, they will be able to
answer all these questions.
Procedures: Lesson Body
*5 Minutes*
Presentation/Explicit Instruction (I do: 100% teacher, 0% student):
1. Open the fraction power point (found in documents Ed tech fractions lesson)
2. I will explain that you can use fractions all the time, especially with food.
-Oranges (halves), apples (fourths), pie (sixths), pizza (eighths)
3. Explain what a fraction actually is: a number that is not a whole number (underlined = fill in guided notes)
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- I will relate this back to the food examples. You have one full orange, but once you cut it in half and
throw away half of it, you have of an orange.
4. I will explain to the students that there are parts that make up a fraction.

Structured Practice/Exploration (We do: 75% teacher, 25% student):

*30 Minutes*
Go to slide 3
1. I am going to show you how to write a fraction.
2. Ask students how many bars are in the square shown in slide 3.
Elicit the answer 4.
Yes, there are 4. That goes on the bottom of the fraction.
3. Ask students how many of the 4 bars are yellow?
Elicit the answer 3.
Yes, 3 are yellow. That means we write 3 in the top part of the fraction.
Explain the following (underlined words get filled in on guided notes)
5. We cant just call the top, the top part of a fraction and the bottom, the bottom part of a fraction
-These parts have names.
6. Tell students: A numerator is on top of the fraction. The numerator is how many parts you are talking about.
7. Tell students: A denominator is on the bottom of a fraction. The denominator is the total number of equal parts.
-Looking back: Ask students what number is the numerator here? Ask them what number is the
8. Do activity on slide 4. It is testing their knowledge to see if they can identify a numerator and denominator. Use
ABCD pinch cards to see if students can identify the correct answer
*Our goal is to get correct*
Once completed, move onto slide 5 Fractions as Part of a Set
9. Explain that fractions are shown as part of a set of objects.
10. Tell students 2 of the 5 stars are shaded have them write in their guided notes what the fraction would be.
-Walk around and check
11. Do the same for the triangle and circle example.
12. Quickly explain if the numerator and denominator are the same (3/3), then the fraction equals 1.
Ask students to give a thumbs up if they are understanding fractions or a thumbs down if they are struggling.

Guided Practice/Checking for Understanding (We do: 25% teacher, 75% student):
*20 Minutes*
Switch to slide 7
1. Call on one student at a time (I will call on 5 total)
2. Have the student come up to the board and pick a color.
- Make sure the student tells us how many pieces there are total in the circle - denominator
- Make sure the student tells us how many pieces are the color they chose numerator
3. Have them say the fraction - One third, or one over three
4. Drag the correct answer in the correct spot.
5. Repeat with 4 more students.
*Our goal is to get 3/5 correct*
Switch to slide 8
6. Again, call on one student at a time (I will call on 4 total)
7. Now we are going to have to color in the number of shapes indicated by the fraction. Dont worry if you arent
called on, the rest of you can color in the shapes in your guided notes.
8. Have a student come to the smartboard and color in 3 of the 6 squares.
9. Repeat 3 more times.
*Our goal is to color 4/4 correct*
Switch to slide 9
10. Call on one student at a time (I will call on 8 total)
11. Have the student come up to the smartboard. Have them read the description and find the matching fraction.
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12. Next, have the student drag them matching fraction over to the correct blank spot.
13. The rest of the class should be writing in the fraction (1/4) in their guided notes, to the correct description.
*Our goal is to get 8/8 correct*
Independent Practice/Application (They do: 0% teacher, 100% student):
*15 Minutes*
1. One the back side of guided notes have the students write 1 thing they learned today.
2. Once students completed task 1, allow them 10 minutes to practice identifying fractions on the 10 th slide links.

Procedures: Lesson Closure:

*5 Minutes* To close this lesson, I will hand each student a notecard. Before explaining what to do with it, relate this lesson
back to the questions we first asked in the lesson introduction (summarize what they just learned). Now, weve all seen
fractions and learned about them, who can tell me what they are and what they are used for? Once you get an accurate
answer, explain to students that this card is their exit slip, so unless they want to stay in my room forever, they need to give
me this slip when they walk out in order for them to leave my classroom. Tell students that its time for them to come up with
their own fraction. Draw a picture on one side. It can be like the ones we did earlier with shapes. Color in a few or all of the
pictures. Write the correct fraction on the back of the notecard. Students will turn the notecard into me before they leave.
Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment: Its crucial to develop lessons while keeping in mind that all
students have different learning styles. I differentiated for my tactile students when I had them come up and touch the correct
answer and drag it to its correct spot and also color in the fractions using the smartboard pens. I differentiated for my visual
and audio learners by having guided notes so they can following along as I speak and know where we are and how much
more we have to learn in this lesson. Using the smartboard power point also helps our visually learners as it allows them to
see examples of the fractions.
Instructional Materials and Support:
Smartboard and smartboard pens
Guided notes (I supply these)
ABCD pinch cards
Desk computers
Cultural Responsiveness Commentary: Its important to be aware that my students likes and dislikes are very different and
each student comes from a different home and culture. I know many of them like to come up to the smartboard and act very
teacher-like so these activities will be extremely beneficial when I try to get them involved in this lesson. I will use active
student response strategies to keep them engaged and ready to answer my questions Thumbs up or down/ABCD pinch
Research and Theory Commentary: In this lesson, I will be scaffolding the students when I assist them when they come up
to the smartboard and answer a question. Also, I based this lesson off of Deweys experimental learning theory when my
students are given a chance to come up to the board, and if not, are filling in the guided notes with us, as he says children
learn by doing.
Use of Technology Commentary (as applicable): When we use the smartboard in this lesson, it really acts as a high-quality
resource for teaching and learning. ISTE-T standard 3a states to Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer
of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. Its important for us to show our students how easy and useful
technology can be (like when we could color in the fractions, or when we had to drag the correct answer to the blank and it
would grade our performance). Additionally, allowing a few minutes for the students to practice identifying fractions on their
laptops really gets them more comfortable and familiar with using technology.

Revised 11/2015

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