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Report of graduation ceremony in Cabinda.

Cabinda joined the family of African Leadership;

BTCP in 2005. Reverend Luis Nguimbi visited the
Enclave and met with church leaders. In the contact,
Reverend shared to the leaders on the real aims of
the training course and in 2006, the first class
started. Three years after, 36 leaders received their
Certificated, on Sunday 20 September 2009. It was
a great day because this kind of ceremony was
inedited. See the photographs and have idea on
what happened in Cabinda.
In the same day
Team photograph

36 Students prised the Lord and expressed their gratitude

to African Leadership Team and Donors for Spiritual and
material assistance.

Choirs glorified the Lord

Revend Luís Nguimbi – the Main Preacher´

Team photograph – Students and Facilitators

African Leadership family in Angola is Growing as it
happened with the disciples “… the Lord added to their

number daily those who were being saved”- Act 2:47.

After the ceremony, more people were motivated and
joined the training. Cabinda became since this day a
reference of the training course.

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