Dear Wife P 0

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‘Cit Wat Letters of Sob #. Norton, Kansas Co. D, | 1th Regiment: 1865 Page 7 of 12 don't go on with the squad I am afraid I won't get with the regiment this summer. I have now given up all hopes of getting home till my time is out and will be glad to get home then. So write to the Co. well wife I have been over and saw the Lieut. and he has no way of hauling me so I don't expect that I will get to go now. I am ordered away from the hospital. I shall go over to the quarters this afternoon. I will be attached to some company for rations. Well I will have to quit for this time. May God Bless you all is my daily prayer. Sarah Norton John A. Norton Continued: Wife I expect by the time you get this that you will be moved. Now I will tell you what I want you to do. I want you to take good care of my saddle and bridles and don't let them get scattered and keep them where the mice won't eat them and those chains and straps that was in an old sack out doors when I left keep them in the dry and that little bullet weighing eighteen pounds don't let it get lost. I expect now to get home again to stay and if I do you know I will need all those things so take as good cate of them as you can. I feel uneasy about Morris. I fear you will lose him before I get home but I know you will do all you can to keep him. | will try and buy two or three pigs if you can keep them. I tell you what T want dun. Now I say do as you think best about things for I know you will do the best you can I advise you not to all leave home at once no more you can help for you know how things used to come up missing once in a while I hope you can get the doors and roof fixed good so that you can be dry and. comfortable get along the best you can. I hope now to be home some time in July if I do that will give me time to fix up a comfortable house for winter Oh yes try hard to raise a lot of chickens if you have to buy some meal to feed them on, yes and speaking of meal I want you to get some good meal about the first of July and keep it for me

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