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Civil War Letters of John A. Norton, Kansas Co. D, 11th Rey Page Lol s buried in #8 Cemetery. Following his death, Sarah continued to farm with the help oP her tevo young sons and the Indians who lived across the ereek, giving the Indians half of the ap for their assistance. Sarah died February 29, 1888 in Greenwood Co, KS, at the 4 and is also buried in #8 cemetery. John and Sarah had five children who lived to maturity: 1, Alice A. who married Isaac A. Phenis 1871, son of Solomon and Sarah Phenis. 2. Flora Jane who married William Riley Phenis in 1873, son of Solomon and Sarah, Phenis (sisters married brothers) 3. James Austin, who married Margaret Ano "Maggie" Mortis John Turner and Mary (Childears) Mortis. ~ 4. Charles R., who married Victoria Lyman in 1883, daughter of Jonathan and Julia (Johnson) Lyman. + 5. Elnora, who married William Sheldon f.yman in 1885, son of Jonathan (Johnson) Lyman (brother and sister married brother and sister), in 1884, daughter of nd ulin at the home of the ae og of Mertens Five Mie Tara Sine. 1951 All were married in Greenwood County except James, who was ma bride's parents near Lena Valley, Lyon Co., Ki quired The following, letters were transeribed by Florene Phillips, great-grandaughter of John peo Austin Norton, in the-1950s from (he originals stored in a shoebox in the possession of Ruby Lyman, John's granddaughter who was living in Topeka, Kansas. Three of the \9o7 originals are in the possession of Florene te Hove vGlenda Anderson, 2nd great granddaughter of John Austin Nortones John Norton Pe Tames Morton Notes on names and places compiled by Melinda Norlon, the person seems to be with Jobn Soom re hie Norton “ther al home (Greenwood Co., K8) or with Sarah, cia imitient Morton frees ws 1862 | 1863 | 1864] 1865 Bart. Orron Postscript on Sarah Norton's war years: While John was serving in the Civil War, Sarah, with the help of Indians in the area, was; able to plant crops, giving the Indians a share of the crop. Guerilla warfare along the Missouri-Kansas border was fierce. Quantill and his raiders passed through the Norton land and Sarah, hearing of their advance and the rumor that they were killing all the male bubies, took their sons, James Austin (4) and Charles R. (2) and hid them in @ hollow tree (runk ina sland of trees down by the river. She was always sure this action saved their sons, (Family story) 11h Regiment Infantry ros 0 alry Scheo\ wos m7 sept ply Ittp://skyways.lib.ks.tis/enweb/greenwoo/ew/ewjahnnorton. html 21199

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