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Running Head: Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak at Sunland Park Racetrack

Alondra Gomez
University of Texas at El Paso
Instructor: Veronica Cruz
Rhetoric and Writing Skills 1302

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak

Equine Herpes Virus at Sunland Park Racetrack stables

As of today, a total of sixty-two horses have tested positive for the Equine Herpes Virus
(or EHV-1) out of 1,633 horses that reside in the stables of Sunland Park Racetrack. This sudden
outbreak was confirmed on January 21 and has ended the life of six horses that had developed
severe neurological problems that became a possible threat to other horses in Sunland Park
Racetrack stables. The only accessible information regarding the latest EHV-1 outbreak updates
was available electronically through local El Paso-Las Cruces news websites, the New Mexico
Livestock Board website, and recorded news reports. This Genre Analysis will touch up on three
distinct websites, those being: KVIA, the New Mexico Livestock Board, and KFOX all covering
the outbreak at Sunland Park. This Genre Analysis will also comment on the ways information is
shared through live news reports in contrast with online news articles. Without a doubt the
central purpose for both the online news articles and the live news report is to inform the public
of a resent virus outbreak that affects the well-being and athletic performance of horses.
Audience and Purpose
The purpose of the online news articles and live news reports is to inform horsemen and
horsewomen of the unexpected outbreak of the Equine Herpes Virus. A virus that has the power
to wipe out horse herds in a matter of days if it is not properly handled. Since EHV-1 only affects
horses, residents (or non-horsemen) of neighboring cities such as Las Cruces, El Paso, and
Juarez are not required to take any biosecurity measures as the virus does not affect human
health. That is why the information provided by these sources is mainly intended for
horsemen/women that face the risk of dispersing the virus to their own horses or those of
someone else.

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak

The online news article provided by, Virus at Sunland Park may have spread
to Turf Paradise provides a quick overview of what has been occurring at the barns and
integrates a few short interviews with trainers and Racetrack officials that have been affected by
the outbreak. In short, the online article provides updates in a very simple way by establishing
nothing more than recent reports on the status of the horses and their conditions since January
The purpose for the news report is the same as that of the online news article, to inform.
One can interpret a news report as the presentation to the online news article. It is the same
information; the only difference is the way it is delivered. KVIA offers viewers the choice to
either read the article or view the previously recorded news report. Again, the information is the
same the only difference is the way the information is delivered.
Rhetorical Issues
A second article posted by titled 3 weeks later, Sunland Park Racetrack still
trying to contain spread of virus fully completes the rhetorical issues requirements by fulfilling
the Ethical, Logical, and Emotional appeals. The way this article is able to establish its Ethical
appeal is by adding comments like the following: Sunland Park Racetrack is doing all it can to
stop the spread of the disease. Their interest is the same as ours to return these animals to good
health, said Katie Goetz the spokeswoman for the New Mexico Livestock Board. It is only
ethical to wish and fight for the well-being of defenseless creatures that serve as faithful
companions. It almost fits in with Pathos, (the Emotional appeal) but comments like Of course
its hard for me to do. The horse I put down was my favorite horse, by Brent Swopes who is a
Borderland trainer reaches viewers far more. Readers are able to identify themselves with
Swopes if they have ever had to sacrifice a pet they really loved. One can not help but feel sorry

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak

for a horse owner who has had to put down one of their beloved horses. The article by, 3 weeks later, Sunland Park Racetrack still trying to contain spread of virus is able
to reach its Logical appeal by interviewing Sunland Park Racetrack General manager, the
spokeswoman for the New Mexico Livestock Board, and trainers that have to deal with the
Equine Herpes virus. The integration of personal accounts of those who are constantly around
horses and who understand the spread of the virus convince readers that is is a more reliable and
trustworthy article.
Since the only thing that changes between a news article and a news report is the way it is
delivered the previously mentioned Rhetorical Issues can also be identified in an oral news
report. The only thing that is emphasized a bit more is Logos since viewers are able to hear and
see the trainers being affected by the virus and other important Racetrack personnel. To hear and
see changes ones perspective of the situation.
Structure and Delivery
Online news articles are very simple and get straight to the point. The layout consists of
various sections of one, two, or three sentences. Perfect for an individual that is only interested in
the most recent updates. The titles are always in bold and so is the name of the city that the report
is covering. The name of the city that is affected is always mentioned before the informative
section of the article. On the other-hand a report has to include many visuals in order to gain
viewers attention, it has to deliver the information at a quick pace since the time that is available
for the report is limited, and the information has to be brief. All of this has to be achieved in
order to inform the public rather than bore them.

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak


In conclusion, an online news article is able to convey its message more effectively
thanks to its simplicity. However, a news report is more likely to be appreciated by El Paso,
Juarez, and Las Cruces residents since it is easy to access and view at designated times
throughout the day. Both, the KVIA online news articles and report are excellent and reliable
sources for the Equine Herpes Virus outbreak at Sunland Park. Now it all depends on the viewers
and their preference.

Equine Herpes Virus Outbreak


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