Tech Stage Makeup Lesson Plan

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Making it Stick: Stage Makeup and Prosthetics for Theatre Foundations III

Session Design by Sherre Barnes

Content Standards
Utah Theatre Foundations III: Standard 3 Objective 1 b
o Articulate the required skills and responsibilities of a theatre designer; i.e., from the
viewpoint of set, costuming, lighting, sound, make-up, and props.
Utah Theatre Foundations III: Standard 4 Objective 6 b
o Use perceive/reflect rubric assessment.
Utah Theatre Foundations III: Standard 4 Objective 6 c
o Create an outcome portfolio reflecting content and process from across the term;
e.g., notes, rubric assessments, process and production photos, programs, research,
published reviews, letters, advocacy statements, reflections, visual art, written
criticism, theory essays.
Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that latex prosthetics are used by make-up designers to alter an
actors physical appearance to meet specific criteria set by the script and directors vision
(i.e. non-human characters, scars, burns, etc.)
Key Knowledge
Students will know that spirit gum is a type of adhesive used by make-up artists.
Students will be able to apply and remove latex prosthetics.
Performance Tasks
Students use spirit gum and spirit gum remover in order to apply and remove latex
Students apply latex prosthetic ears in order to understand that latex prosthetics are used
by make-up designers to alter an actors physical appearance to meet specific criteria set
by the script and directors vision (i.e. non-human characters, scars, burns, etc.)
Other Assessments
Students compile all designs, rubrics, and reflections into one document in order to create
an outcome portfolio reflecting content and process from across the term.
Students complete the attached review worksheet for three of their peers in order to use
perceive/reflect rubric assessment.
Students complete a journal entry prompt in order to articulate the required skills and
responsibilities of a theatre designer; i.e., from the viewpoint of set, costuming, lighting,
sound, make-up, and props.
Students complete the attached worksheet in order to demonstrate their knowledge that
spirit gum is a type of adhesive used by make-up artists.
Teacher Materials
YouTube clips depicting the physical altering of an actors face: and
Attached review worksheet students use to critique each others work
Attached document: students worksheet answering questions that cover the entire stage
make-up unit
Spirit gum/Spirit gum remover

Stage make-up
Make-up brushes

Student Materials
Completed latex ears
Completed makeup design for latex ears
All completed journal entries/rubrics done over the unit
Stage make-up (if they have their own)
Make-up brushes (if they wish to use their own)
Pre session work: Students will have learned about make-up designers duties to adhere to
a directors vision, including internal/external research related to his/her design. Students
will have been given a specific directors vision related to A Midsummer Nights Dream and
will have completed make-up designs for Titania and Bottom. Students will have designed
and created latex ears for either Titania or Bottom according to their planned designs.
During the unit students will have completed journal entries and worksheets that follow
prompts regarding their knowledge of a make-up designers required skills and
responsibilities including: how to make latex prosthetics, how to apply makeup (and what
kind of makeup to use) to a latex prosthetic, and a defense of how their design matches
the directors vision.
Framing / Hook
1. Without revealing the title of the clip, have students watch the following YouTube clips
from SyFys Face Off.
i. Ask students if/how they could tell from the make-up what the general theme
of the competition.
1. List students reasons on board.
i. Ask students if/how they could tell from the make-up what the general theme
of the competition.
1. List students reasons on board.
2. Explain that today students will be applying the prosthetics they have made for either
Titania or Bottom.
3. Prosthetic Application
a. Have students complete each of the following steps as it is explained to them.
b. Using a mirror, have students clean/remove any hair that is easily removed from the
parts of the ear the prosthetic will stick to.
i. Have students identify the parts of the latex ear that will need adhesive in
order to stay on the actors ear.
c. Explain that spirit gum is the preferred adhesive for latex prosthetics as it is more
powerful than typical Elmers glue and less harmful to the skin and latex than
stronger glue like Gorilla glue.
i. Have students apply spirit gum to the parts of the prosthetic previously
identified but do NOT apply the prosthetic to the ear yet.
ii. Explain that in order for a prosthetic to stay attached to the skin, spirit gum
must rest on the latex for about 30 seconds in order to become tacky or
sticky prior to being applied to the skin.
1. Have students test the tacky-ness of the spirit gum with their fingers
and apply the prosthetic to their ears once the desired tacky-ness is

2. Have students press and hold the areas of the prosthetic that has the
spirit gum on it to their ears for 1 minute to ensure stability of
a. If students are having trouble applying their ears with the use of
the mirror, they may have a partner assist them.
4. Makeup Application
a. Explain that students will now use their makeup designs to apply makeup to their
b. Give students 15 minutes to completely match their makeup application to their
5. Peer Review
a. Have students complete one of the attached Peer Review Worksheet for three
different classmates
i. Explain that students will NOT be answering question 3 (Will the prosthetic
stay attached to the ear long enough for a show?) until the last 5 minutes of
class-prior to removing the prosthetic.
ii. Once the worksheet is completed, students then detach individual critics and
give them to the student they reviewed (the student whose name is in the
Peers Name spot).
6. Prosthetic Removal. NOTE: This is to be done in the last 5 minutes of class; it is possible to
do this AFTER the reflection has been completed.
a. Have students answer question 3 (Will the prosthetic stay attached to the ear long
enough for a show?) on their Peer Review Worksheet
b. Have students remove their prosthetic by grabbing the tip of the ear and gently
pulling the prosthetic away from their head and towards their shoulder. The
prosthetic will flip over the ear and peel off.
c. Have students remove any residual spirit gum they may have on their ear with spirit
gum remover by gently rubbing a small amount onto the residue and wiping it away
with a paper towel.
i. Explain that if spirit gum remover is unavailable, any residue can be removed
by using any oil that is not harsh on the skin like baby oil; if no oil is available
it is also acceptable to use soap and water.
7. Journal Prompt
a. Give students 10 minutes to write a response to the following prompt: What are a
makeup designers required skills and responsibilities? Explain that they should
focus on the differences they noticed in their knowledge of a makeup designers
required skills and responsibilities prior to beginning the unit and at what they know
now, at the end of the unit. Explain that they should also include any general
thoughts on the unit (this does NOT include a simple I liked it or I didnt like it
unless they explain in detail why they think that way).
8. Portfolio Compilation
a. Have students gather all journal entries, internal/external research papers, designs,
peer reviews, and paper that defends their design into one unit that they add to
their portfolio.
9. Process Step 6: Prosthetic Removal
a. This is to be done in the last 5 minutes of class.
10.As homework, students complete the attached worksheet answering questions about what
theyve learned over the whole unit.

Peer Review Worksheet

Reviewers Name:_________________________
Peers Name:_________________________
1. Does the makeup application match the design?
2. Is the prosthetic sturdy enough to hold the applied makeup? (Does it droop or sag?)
3. Will the prosthetic stay attached to the ear long enough for a show?
4. What can your peer do to improve his/her application method? (Both makeup and prosthetic application)

Reviewers Name:_________________________
Peers Name:_________________________
1. Does the makeup application match the design?
2. Is the prosthetic sturdy enough to hold the applied makeup? (Does it droop or sag?)
3. Will the prosthetic stay attached to the ear long enough for a show?
4. What can your peer do to improve his/her application method? (Both makeup and prosthetic application)

Reviewers Name:_________________________
Peers Name:_________________________
1. Does the makeup application match the design?
2. Is the prosthetic sturdy enough to hold the applied makeup? (Does it droop or sag?)
3. Will the prosthetic stay attached to the ear long enough for a show?
4. What can your peer do to improve his/her application method? (Both makeup and prosthetic application)

Stage Makeup Unit Worksheet

Name:______________________ Date:__________
1. What is the first step a designer takes when approaching a new project?

2. What are the definitions of internal and external research as it pertains to a makeup designer?

3. Why is it important for a makeup designer to follow a directors vision?

4. What are the steps to creating latex prosthetics? This can be completed using a list format.

5. What are the steps for applying latex prosthetics?

6. What is the name of the adhesive used to apply latex prosthetics, and why is it used more frequently than
any other type of adhesive?

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