Troy Larue

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IN THE DISTRICT COURT PPN-1540995733 AT NEW PLYMOUTH COLLECTIONS UNIT Prosecutor TROY WILLIAM HENRY LA RUE, Defendant Date: 24 January 2016 ‘Appearances: No appearance by or for the Prosecutor Defendant appears in Person NOTES OF JUDGE A C ROBERTS ON SENTENCING ‘THE COURT: Mr La Rue you have been summonsed to Coutt to deal with these outstanding fines, you know that don’t you? DEFENDANT: Ah, yes Sir. ‘THE COURT: Fines outstanding $6244, I'm going to send you to community work, Do you want to say anything? DEFENDANT: Happy with that. THE COURT: Mr Registrar would you just show Mr La Rue that, Open it up for him, I's a posting you created isn't it? DEFENDANT: Yeah, I was very intoxicated — THE COURT: Read it out loud, DEFENDANT: Says, “Fuck off.” ‘THE COURT: Read it out word for word. Your post please. DEFENDANT: ‘The bottom one? ‘THE COURT: Go point it to him Mr Registrar please? DEFENDANT: ‘This one? ‘THE COURT: Yes. DEFENDANT: “LOL T hope the fuckers gone by Friday. Haha, Fucker, nah fuckin cunt whose old face and saggy chin. Fuck off.” ‘THE COURT: ‘Who were you talking about? DEFENDANT: ‘Well I'm talking to mate aren't I? ‘THE COURT: No, no, Who are you talking about? DEFENDANT: Well, I'm guessing in respect to this post. ‘THE COURT: Who are you talking about when you talk about, “The fucking old cunt with the saggy old chin” DEFENDAN1 ‘Well, I guess I'm talking about you Sir, ‘THE COURT: Thank you. DEFENDANT: ‘And I, I don’t really know what to say about that but I do apologise. ‘THE COURT: No, no you don’t have to say anything, that’s what you thought. DEFENDANT: Yep. ‘THE COURT: For your own benefit, Mr La Rue, I don’t read that drivel. That was drawn to my attention by my registrar, You're a brave soul though aren't you? DEFENDANT: Well, all lean say is you got me on that one, ‘THE COURT: T got you cold mate. DEFENDANT: You did and I apologise for it. ‘THE COURT: Now you're hardly a picture yourself are you? DEFENDANT: Oh, no. ‘THE COURT: No. You don't work do you? DEFENDANT: No I don't ‘THE COURT: Right, You're otherwise indolent aren't you? Bone idle, Get it back off him. [1] Outstanding fines $6244 remitted. [2] Substitution 300 hours’ community work. ‘THE COURT: Work off your laughter in the cells while we get the order typed, DEKENDANT: um— THE COURT: In the cells. DEFENDANT: 1 do apologise for that. THE COURT: Damage done Mr La Rue, Don't give a toss. AC Roberts

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