Student A

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Student A was a hard working fourth grade student,

which was determined to move to a level 3 or 4 by the end

of the school year. She started on a level 2. She did a series
of writing pieces, and one of her writing pieces was, Ice
Cream Being the Best Desert. Although she used
transitional words at the beginning of the first two and last
paragraphs of her essay, she was not consistent using them
throughout the rest of her paper. The volume was rather
short; it was only 1 pages long. Hence, I found her paper
to have sufficient details.
Another writing assignment Student A accomplished
was the literary essay. When comparing this essay to her
previous one she truly showed growth. Her published piece
demonstrated evidence that she fully understand the task.
Too, the volume of her writing increased, and she used textbased evidence to support each section of her paper.
Next, the third writing task was the informational
writing. During this unit Student A had to select three
categories that she wanted to do research on for the colonial
America Period. She decided to do research on the clothes,
food, and schools. After reviewing Student As paper, she
truly put in a lot of effort to produce a level 3 work. For each
category there was an array of important information along
with her thoughts.
In conclusion, Student A showed growth in her writing,
because at the beginning of the school year, when writing
she had difficulty collecting and expanding her thoughts. I
believe that one of the reasons she was able to perform well
at the end of the school year was because when it came to
her schoolwork she was very proactive in getting it done and
having an understanding of what to do.
She was my medium student.

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