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Plan Title: Pom Pom for Your Thoughts?

Name: Stephanie Salensky

ID# 18

Undesirable Behavior Targeted: Talking Out of Turn

Speaking to peers about unrelated topics; students are not actively engaged in the material at hand if
they are talking about other things instead
Talking over another student who is answering a question; talking over another student does not allow
the teacher to hear either students answer properly to check for understanding or hear if either student
had a question.
Talking during lecture without raising hand and waiting to be called on; Causes an interruption that will
distract other students and may prevent students from hearing key information given by the teacher
because the teacher was not able to pause explanation and call on the student.
Proper classroom discourse leads to all information being heard and absorbed.

Desirable Behavior Targeted:

Raise hand and wait to be called on - regular fuzzy

Wait until other students have finished talking to speak- sparkle fuzzy
Discuss the material being covered at the time only- large fuzzy

Types of positive reinforcements - Reinforced when & how?

1. Immediate R+ - A fuzzy pom pom ball placed on desk as soon as behavior has occurred
2. Ongoing R+- Empty large mason jar the students fill with their earned fuzzies at the end of every class
until full
3. Overall R+ - Fuzzy Science Lab
4. I will have a fanny pack filled with the three different kinds of fuzzy balls which I will place on each
students desk when they are doing the desired behavior. At the end of the day students will put the
fuzzy balls they earned for that day in the large mason jar as they leave the classroom. The next
morning, we will color in the jar on our bulletin board with how full the jar got last class
Interactive Learning Activity: TEK Science 2nd grade 112.13 B2C. The students will gather in lab groups of
five members to observe the properties of the three types of fuzzy balls and record them in their science
journals. Measure height and width, record weight using balance scales (how many sparkle ones = large etc.)
draw what they look like under the microscope, describe how they feel, do they bounce?
Explain HOW you will Teach the Desired Behaviors: Using the bulletin board, I will point to a desired
behavior and verbally or physically model it for students. We will then have three practice scenarios to practice
each desired behavior. We will practice one more time the next class morning before implementing the plan.
Explain HOW you will Teach the Plan: After the second week of school I will explain to the students that for
every time they exhibit one of the three desired behaviors they will receive a specific fuzzy ball as a token. I
will explain which fuzzy ball they will receive for each behavior. I will then explain that at the end of every
class they will line up and put their fuzzies in the empty jar and say when the fuzzy jar is full we will have a
super fun fuzzy ball science lab! The next morning, we will color in the jar on our bulletin board with how full
the jar got last class to show our starting point for the day and remind them of our desired behaviors to practice.
Provide options Token type system can be used for any behavior and any subject. Next time use larger jar to
make it more challenging.

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