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Kelsey Sizemore

Animal type were the two variables that emerged as most predictive of both punishment
ratings,and social restriction ratings. Being allowed to adopt the animal in future and also being
punished. You're required to do counseling as well as receiving a fine, and receiving jail
sentence. Females are most interested in animal causes and more opposed to animal abuse.
There are several possible explanations for this finding. it has been shown that females are
more likely to give harsh punishments for crimes against animals because females are more
offensive over this suffering over animals then man are and will ever be.

Works Cited
Sims, Valerie K., Matthew G. Chin, and Ryan E. Yordon. "Don't Be Cruel: Assessing Beliefs
About Punishments For Crimes Against Animals." Anthrozoos 20.3 (2007): 251-259. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.

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