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Part 6: Reflective Writing:

Give some other examples of real-life problems that could be solved using systems
of linear equations? Did this project change the way you think about how the work
we did in ch 3 can be applied to the real world? Write one paragraph stating what
ideas changed and why.
If this project did not change the way you think, write how this project gave further
evidence to support your existing opinion about applying math. Be Specific

Systems of linear equations are great because they can be used to find the
solutions of multiple variables. For instance:
Example: In a small concert hall the price of general admission is $6.50, and the
price for the "upper bowl" in $10.00.
488 tickets are sold. The total income from last night's concert was $3543.00. How
many general admission tickets were sold? How many upper bowl tickets were sold?
Set up the problem: General admission= x Upper bowl= y
X+y=488 x(6.50)+y(10)=3543.00
X=-y+488 6.50x+10.00y=3543.00

-6.50y+3172+10.00y=3543.00 *subtract 3172 from both sides, and add y values.
3.50y=371 *Divide by 3.50
Y= 106
Now plug that into the first equation:
382 General tickets sold (x)
106 Upper bowl tickets sold (y)

It was difficult at first to apply this problem in the real-world because I am not sure
if we have already gone over solving parabolas as a class. My group members really
helped me to put this application in perspective. I was then able to solve this
problem using their helpful steps they provided.
This project helped me visualize the maximum altitude the plane reached, and that
was very important in this particular group project because after solving the

equations we were then required to graph the parabola. It really helped to see the
graph and to check our answers while working in this group project.

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