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Henry 1

Zach Henry
Mr. Buescher
U.S History, Period 3
1 October 2014
Constitution Essay
Imagine living in a world in which freedom was not simply given to
everyone. This would be the case if the two ideals, just powers of
government must come from the consent of the governed, and
unalienable rights, were not implemented into the U.S Constitution.
These two ideals are essential for a successful government. They both
deal with freedom, and cannot be taken away.
Unalienable rights are rights that cannot and will not be taken away.
This means that no one, including the government, can interfere with
these rights that are naturally given to everyone born in the United
States. These rights were found imperative to the founding fathers of
America. Having the right to life, liberty, and property meant a lot to
the people back when America was still an infant. The main reason the
founding fathers wanted their independence from Great Britain was
because they wanted these exact rights that Britain failed to offer, and
they deemed them necessary for a government to flourish. Also,
unalienable rights are extremely important because they allow the

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people in the country to feel safe and secure. The fact that people in
the U.S have the right to live is comforting, because some countries
dont even give that.
The fact that just power of government comes from the consent of
the governed is unquestionably important. This ideal is what holds
America together. Because the people give the government power, it
prevents the government from making unjust decisions without talking
with the people. In the preamble of the U.S Constitution, this ideal is
expressed: We the people of the United States, in Order to form a
more perfect Union. The phrase We the people directly ties in with
this ideal. Without the people, the government would have no power.
Also, in the Declaration of Independence, Consent of the governed is
directly stated, That to secure these rights, Governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed. The founding fathers embedded this principle into the
Declaration of Independence to show the importance of this ideal and
why it is needed to establish a fully operational government.
In conclusion, unalienable rights and consent of the governed are
two crucial ideals that America clenches. These two ideals are directly
stated in the Declaration of Independence as well as the U.S
Constitution. They were found vital by the founding fathers for a
government to succeed. Each of the two cannot be taken away, and

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allow for freedom to all people and overall give room for a strong
nation to live.

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