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5th May, 2015

Human Resource Department.
Subject: Mobilink Internship Program

Dear Sir/Madam:
I was excited to see your opening of Mobilink Pakistan Internship Program, and I
hope to be invited for an interview.
My background includes serving as an internee in public relations department in
Passionate youth development organization where my responsibility was to handle
communications between the clients and general public and the organization. Most
recently, I worked on the ad making, where my responsibilities included handling
Previously, I worked as a management trainee in two international conferences held
in Pakistan. In these positions, I demonstrated the ability to deal and resolve a
variety of management issues. I consistently performed my duties while this tenure
and I was awarded certificate for my good performance.
In addition to this experience, I gained considerable customer service skills during
my part-time employment stage host at various different concerts.
I also bring to the table strong computer proficiencies in MS Word, MS Excel and
spss database applications and a year of college (business major). Please see the
accompanying resume for details of my experience and education.
Being a student I have shown my best in my academics, which alone would not
suffice the needs for getting a good job therefore I need to develop certain kinds of
skills in real organizations environment which would help me in my personal
development and capacity building and equip me with practical applicability of my
theoretical knowledge.
I am confident that the practical experience I would gain through this internship
would make me more intellectual as a person and can serve both the company and
society as per needs of their employers and people.
Thank you for your time -- I look forward to learning more about this opportunity!
Muhammad Usman Ghani

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