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ED 3601


Testing Materials Lesson Plan

KR 2011

Grade/Subject: Grade Three, Science Unit: Testing Materials Lesson Duration: 1 Hour
General Learning Outcomes:

3-1: Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to observations and
3-2: Identify patterns and order in objects and events studied; and, with guidance, record observations,
using pictures, words and charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
4- Apply procedures to test the strength of construction materials, in particular, different stocks of papers, plastic or
5-Apply procedures to test different designs
6-Describe the properties of some common solids such as wood, paper, and plastic that make them suitable for use as
building materials

1. Students will identify properties of different materials (paper vs. wood)
2. Students will apply procedures to test different designs
3. Students will describe the different properties of various materials (paper vs. wood)

Participation in the experiment, question and answer
about experiment

Key Questions:
What is the strongest shape and material?

Properties sheet (each student)


Resource #1: Edmonton Public Schools Science Resource Guide
Resource #2:
Resource #3:


Glass bowl
Carton of eggs
Egg carton cut into thirds
2 garbage bags
Cardboard (?)
Paper (23)
Tooth picks/popsicle sticks (23)
Chart paper (3)

Introduction (4 min. 40 sec. ):

Attention Grabber: Greet the children
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Ask the students what are some materials that we use to build things in everyday life.
Then ask what shape they think is the strongest?-2 min
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Expect everyone to participate in the discussion, and watch me when I am
doing the demonstrations 2m 30s
Advance Organizer/Agenda: First we are going to test how strong the shape of a dome is using eggs, then we are

ED 3601


KR 2011

going to talk about other materials- 2m 40s

Transition to Body: Start setting up the experiment, while asking what do you think is going to happen? (prediction) 4
m 40s
Body (55min. 30 sec.):
Learning Activity #1: Egg experiment
Set up experiment; Lay out a garbage bag. Place bowl on top, explain the shape of the egg, how it is oval and comes
almost to a point. If you press in the middle it breaks. Demonstrate. This goes into the bowl and then place bowl aside.
In each piece of the carton, put an egg in the corner one, with the eggs facing in. Place a piece of cardboard on top of
the eggs so it is even over all three. Add a text book at a time very carefully balancing them, add as many as you can
reach or until the eggs break. *Make sure the eggs are facing upward perfectly or the experiment will be ruined. *
24m 40s
Assessments/Differentiation: Move children so they are surrounding you so everyone can see. Assessment for this is basically
paying attention to if students are all paying attention.

Learning Activity #2: Discussion on the Experiment

Talk about why they eggs were so strong, was it the materials it was made out of or the shape in which they were
made? While having the discussion clean up and start passing out the other supplies( paper, tooth picks/ popsicle
sticks, worksheet); ask students to return to their desks 29m 40s
Assessments/Differentiation: encourage everyone to speak, call on both the eager beavers and the ones who seem unsure or
withdrawn. All answers are accepted. Assessment is the participation in the discussion

Learning Activity #3: Properties of Construction Materials Experiment

Work through this as a class. Try ripping the paper, Does it rip easily? Add that to your chart. Try ripping the popsicle
stick, does it rip easily? Add that to your chart. Scissors out. Does it cut easily? Fold Easily? Affected by water? Write
all the results on their own papers and the chart papers on the board. Does the paper change if you fold it again and
again? What would we use these for? 55m 30s
Assessments/Differentiation: Writing on the board allows slower writers a visual. Walk around making sure everyone is keeping
up. Assessment comes from participation in discussion and the actual worksheet.

Closure ( 60min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: So we learned about strong shapes and different materials.
Feedback From Students: Remind me of some of them
Feedback To Students: Thank you for participating so well
Transition To Next Lesson: Next lesson we will continue to look at different materials 60 min

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