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By Natalie Falemaka

Dear Readers,
Have you ever gone through an experience that you
needed to get out of your system? When that
experience hit me, I too needed that weight off my
shoulder. Of all decisions, I decided to lift that burden
with this project. I have never done this before,
sharing my inner feelings to someone other than my
family, until now. This experience took my life to a
direction that I never thought I would ever go through.
I had a crush and I had it bad! In this project, I am
discussing my emotions, my thoughts, and events that
happen through this crush on a boy. In the end of it
all, because I dont like him anymore, I discovered who
I am and what I stand for as a person. My standards
were wavering! I am glad to have the opportunity to
share this experience with you (all) and please enjoy.
Natalie K Falemaka
P.S. He doesnt go to this school.

Part one
1. The Never Assured Event
2. The Unexpected
3. Weird Feelings
--> continue...

Nat, are you ready? mom asked. Almost, I replied. Well get going! she yelled.
This would be our second year attending this church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Our is mom, Kiko, Junior, Noelani, and I, not dad in which he claims I will die
as a hard catholic. Changing religion was one thing for dad, but abandoning everything that
he was used to knowing or believing for something better, I think scared him but amaze
me. Anyways, we have a Sunday class and there are boys. Theyre not too bad looking but
theres this one who only sleeps through class. Nothing irritates me more than a slacking
student. Its time to go, Noelani said. We left to church.

a crush

[uh; when stressed ey] [kruhsh]

1. Handsome Mexican male human that is my train of thought, life, and actions and
is overly obsessed over and causes one to blush, gush, get anxiety and smile.

1. To get butterflies in the stomach feelings
2. To massively be in love with
3. To fantasy life with a certain male human boy
Symbolically is portrayed as a spring air on summers day or a bag of fresh mints
and heart shaped cookies

Journal Entry
Dear diary,
That kid slept in class, again! Man, how can someone not want to hear more about the

>:( Idiot! I.D.I.O.T. I'll pray for him. HE NEEDS IT!

Dear diary,
That boy said prayer today. For someone who sleeps a lot in class, he sure knows how to
pray. I'm not gonna lie, I was SURPRISED! Good job kid, good job. :)
Dear diary,
The weirdest thing happen today. I found myself staring at the IDIOT. ME, STARING?
No. I just needed to think my thoughts, that's it. Hehehe, yep.
Dear diary,
I had a gut feeling today. Like I was shaking but I can sit still. Like my heart race but I
was able to breathe normally. Like the pit of my stomach were a stone and my chest. MY
CHEST, like hard stones. AND I didn't mind the feelings.
Dear diary,
Today I just realized what the odd feelings and the staring and the anxiety are for. I have
a crush on Ian. A crush. Me. I like IAN! Holy Falemaka!

(Certificate Image)

Dear diary,
Boy is he cute. His white buttoned dress shirt with his dressed pants almost made me melt
like Popsicle sticks. Oh how I wish he didn't slept today! Why?!! Of all people!!

Fresh Fruit and Yogurt Ice Pops

Original recipe makes 8 servings Change Servings

2 cups fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and sliced bananas, mixed

2 cups plain or vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup white sugar
8 small paper cups
8 popsicle sticks

1. Place the mixed blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, sliced bananas, yogurt,
and sugar into a blender. Cover, and blend until fruit is chunky or smooth, as

2. Fill paper cups 3/4 full with fruit mixture. Cover the top of each cup with a
strip of aluminum foil. Poke a Popsicle stick through the center of the foil on
each cup.
3. Place the cups in the freezer for at least 5 hours. To serve, remove foil and peel
off the paper cup.

Dear diary,
My friends asked if I liked him! Well of course I answered!!! I guess people notice that I
stare. Shhh! I better be careful. He MUST NEVER KNOW! It will go away. It's just a
small CRUSH.

Girls whisper
Females sitting and talking
Hushing and snorting
Girls whisper
Is he cute? and Is he single?
Absolutely! and Yes!
Girls whisper
Elbows Nudging and Teasing
Teenagers laughing and smiling
Girls whisper
Biting nails and flipping hair
Tying shoes and straightening skirts
Girls whisper

Poking stomachs and sweaty hands

Fantasies and speaking
Girls whisper
Hes coming and shock waves
Tensions and Anxiety
Girls whisper
The boy enters and finds his seat
Ladies glance and turn
Girls whisper
Murmuring and looking
Checking and giggles
Girls whisper
Class is starting and he sits up
Blushing and Chuckling
Girls whisper

Dear diary,
I got it bad! He's in my thoughts and my ACTIONS! I'm doodling some weird hearts man
and SINCE WHEN I WAS INTO FACEBOOK!! SOS!! I don't know what to do!
(Schedule Image)

Part two
4. The shocking Discovery
5. Heartbreak
6. Moving on

Dear diary,
He broke it. The thing God told us not to do. It's right there. In plain print. My
stomach hurts. Never mind. I don't like him.

Dear diary,
I should have saw it coming. The signs. It was all over his Facebook. Man I'm
stupid. But I'm over it.

Perfect in my thoughts,
Tore half my heart in the
Life goes on... Me too.

Dear diary,
Today is a fine sunny day. I'm over him. I think. Okay it's still there. But only a little bit.
I'm taking this one step at a time. One step at a time. :)

Mary: Whats wrong?

(Mary turns to face Nat)
Nat: Nothing.
Mary: Sure there is. Youre too quiet.
Mary: Thinking of Ian
Mary: Wait! Ian.
Mary: Ian.
Mary: Ian.
Mary: Youre not blushing.
(Nat sighs and talks in a quiet tone)
Nat: I dont like him anymore.
Mary: Oh
(Awkward silence)
(Nat speaks in uplifting tone)
Nat: So, how was school?

Dear diary,
Today was a wonderful Memorial Day! We went to Daybreak Lake and it was GORGEOUS.
The sunset on the lake made it shine scattering different tints of blue, orange, and gray. I
stare at the scenery and think "What a wonderful world God has created." I really love

Clotted cream ice cream recipe


2 large free-range eggs

125g caster sugar

2 x 227g tubs clotted cream

250ml full-fat milk

Whisk the eggs in a large bowl until light and frothy. Add the sugar gradually and whisk for
a further three minutes. Add the clotted cream and milk to the egg mixture and whisk
well. Spoon the mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the
manufacturers instructions. If youre not using an ice cream maker, spoon the mixture into
a two-litre freezer-proof container and freeze for three hours. Remove from the freezer
and whisk until smooth. Return to the freezer for another three hours. Repeat this
process 3-4 times, and then freeze for two hours until semi-solid.
To make strawberry ice cream, place 250g strawberries (hulled and halved) in a food
processor and whiz until nearly smooth. When the ice cream has started to freeze but is
still soft, fold through the strawberries. Transfer to a plastic container and freeze. When
ready to serve remove from the freezer for five minutes or until slightly softened

The Table of Contents: Part one showed the blushing feelings of having a crush. Part two
shows the hate and envies towards a crush hence the word it crushes the heart in Part
The Journal entry is the overall theme. The other genre writing follows the Dear diary
and it is in casual language so no punctuation.
The Popsicle sticks references one of the Dear Diary and it reminds the melting and
shaky feelings when a crush is nearby.
The clotted ice cream explains the overall feelings of a crush. It tastes really good at
first but leaves a bad taste afterwards in the tongue and too much of it is very bad to the
The prose in the beginning explains the I will not have a crush on this guy but eventually
The definition defines my version of a crush but in the blushing feeling part, not the hate
and moving on after getting over a crush.
The dialogue between Mary and Nat is showing Nat moving on from her crush and that life
still continues and that the world doesnt end after all.
The poem of Girls whisper explains the gossip and teasing friends are when they find
that their other friend has a crush.
The haiku in the heart explains the crushing feelings towards moving on from a crush and
the idea that I will move on like how life does.
The certificate shows the ironic feeling of getting a crush and how its a great
achievement at first.
The schedule is the continuing routine you get when you have a crush. You only think,
breathe, and do things that involve your crush throughout the week.
The image of a dialogue with him and another person shows him saying Gods name in vain.
This showed my faith being challenged of who I want as a future spouse and knowing that
he doesnt take the gospel as serious as I do had me to end the crush.

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