Employability Interview 1

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Name ________________________________ Date ________ Period ____ A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills
1. What job are you applying for? __Head chef______
2. Why do you think you want this particular kind of job?
1.__I want this job because I like to cook._____
2. I would like this gob because it pays good money___________
3.__I want this gob so I can help other cooks to learn____________
4.__I want this job because this job is one of the two jobs I would
3. What talents or special skills do you have relevant to this job?
1.___I know how to cook stuff from briefest all the way to desert.___________
2.__ Im good at taken control and giving orders.______________________________
3.___I make sure the food that comes out of the kitchen is the best it can be._______
4.__No matter what Im will to cook what the customer wants._______________
4. What kind of working experience do you have?
1.__Ive cooked breakfast for more than 10 families._____________________
2.__When I make dinner I have always made it 2 or 3 cores meals. _______________
3.__I have made more they 30 different types of deserts.__________
5. What are your future plans and goals?
1._____If I cant get head chef I plan to work up to it._________________
2._____I plan to have my own restraint in the future.
3.______I plan to teach others how to cook better._________
6. What extra curricular activities do you participate in?
1.______cooking for people is something Ive always done._______________
2._____Takeing cooking class is one thing I do a lot of.________________
3. I bake cookies, cakes, and cupcakes for birthday parties._________________
7. What hours are you willing to work and when are you not available?
1.__________Im will work the ours you give me.____________
2._____i would like Saturday and Sunday off._______________
8. Do you prefer working with other people or by yourself and why?
______I prefer to work alone because when youre by yourself you dont have to count
or rely on other people.___________________________
9. What are your strongest work values?
1.______IM independent.___________________________
2.__I do my very best when the work actually maters._____________________
3. Im honest.____________

Name ________________________________ Date ________ Period ____ A or B

Interview Questions
Employment Skills

10. Are you willing to relocate with our company if necessary? Why?
______________No because I dont want a life for me or my family where we have to
go everywhere.___
11. How much money do you expect to begin earning with this job?
18 dollars an hour
What are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
1._________IM strong at everything you want me to be strong at.______
2._________IM a good person to have._____
3.___I bring in costumers____________________________
13. What are your weaknesses?
1.________I do not like needles___________________________________________
2._______Im not good at speaking._____________________________________
3._____IM not always good working with others
14. What do you not like doing with this kind of work?
1.___I do not like messing with really stick stuff with my hands.__________
2.___Im fine with everything else_________________________
15. What questions would you like to ask me about this job?
1.__Could I have my own parking space.________________
2.__Could I have a free meal every two days at the restraint ______
3._______What benefits do I get when I get hired. _
16. If you were stranded on a desert island by yourself what three things would you want
to have with you and why?
1.____I Want a beautiful, loving woman.____
2._I would want a dog.____________
3.________I would want a machete. _____________________

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